Survival Intuition & Trauma

3 months ago

Our survival intuition is an innate gift we're all born with to sense threats and keep ourselves safe. Connected to our physiology through the solar plexus chakra, it provides gut hunches about our environment. However, unprocessed trauma experienced as children can disrupt our nervous system regulation and hinder listening to these signals. When constantly anxious or dissociated due to past events, every situation may seem alarming rather than receiving accurate intuitive guidance.

Healing trauma on somatic and energetic levels can help reconnect to survival intuition. Bringing the nervous system back into balance allows one to discern real threats from imagined. Practicing following subtle nudges, even when their reason is unclear, reinforces trust in this wisdom over time. Examples like sensing danger before an accident show how our energy sensitively scans situations. With trauma release work and attention to body sensations, our natural intuitive faculties can strengthen once more.

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