Having Control Over Your Life. Being Self Dependent. Using Older Technology That Can't Be Highjacked

7 months ago

Having Control Over Your Life and Being Self Dependent. Using Older Technology That Can't Be Highjacked
Fighting The System With Old World Tech - You Vill "CONTROL' Nusink And You Vill Be Happy
This guy is on point. I have thought about some of the same things. The what if scenario. Especially when the what if, is a Electromagnetic Pulse. Cars would all be TOAST. EXCEPT CLASSICS WITH CARBORARORS. And Digital Based Technology like all modern cars have are much more easily compromised. EVEN REMOTE CONTROL COMMANDS ARE A CONCERN. And What If, they have a Remote Kill Switch hidden inside the Chip? What if a Wireless Update took it out. Yes. If it can update, it can do ANYTHING it is Programmed to do.
Just some thoughts that everyone should Concider.
102,205 views Jun 14, 2024
Uncle Tony's Garage
They say that in the future, you'll own nothing and be happy about it, but in actuality, that ship has already sailed.
***It's the ability to be autonomous and your own movements that is really at stake here, and the battle is being lost every day in countless different ways.***
By promoting archaic technologies and systems on this channel the way we do, it appears that we are just being senseless luddites, but there's a much bigger picture and we'll thought out methods to the apparent madness.
‪@J_Bravo‬ ‪@EconomicNinja‬ ‪@IAllegedly‬ #automobile #diy #technology MERCHANDISE: Get Your UTG T-Shirts Here: https://uncletonysgarage.com/product/... Get Your UTG Stickers Here: https://uncletonysgarage.com/product/... OUR STORE: https://uncletonysgarage.com
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