Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie and Steve Cioccolanti - Captions

7 months ago

Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie and Steve Cioccolanti - Captions

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:




Good morning, everybody, and welcome to today's live show. Once again, thank you for joining us. I know I was on earlier today and I'm on again with a very special guest and I want you guys to meet Steve Cioccolanti. Is it Cioccolanti, right? Is that right? That's right. Okay. He is an amazing pastor. He has actually one of the biggest, I think, I think the biggest online ministry for 24 seven church.

It's called Discovery Church. I will make sure they have it in the description box for you. I will also put it in the live chat for you. He's an amazing, amazing person. I'm so happy to be on the show and I'm so happy to meet you. So Steve, thank you for joining today's live stream. Oh, Julie, you're one of those names that people keep saying you gotta meet Julie green.

So I'm really happy that I'm here today and I get to meet you. Yes, and I've heard a lot about you too. I, I said, I have a lot of friends from the ReAwaken America Tour it was like, you have to meet Steve. You guys are so much alike and we know you guys would get along. So I want to introduce you to the, you know, our live stream and I want you just to tell people what's on your heart, what started this ministry and how God is using you today.

I started about 25 years ago. I helped plant a church in Bangkok, Thailand. I think Thailand is the least evangelized country on earth. And so I, to me with a, you know, the heart for the loss, it was the best place to start. 90 percent Buddhist, 99 percent non christian. And after that the Lord sent me to Australia and I planted a church there in Melbourne, Australia.

It turned out that being in Melbourne would give me a real exposure to the globalists and the plan for global tyranny and Australia has done a lot of, a lot of undemocratic unconstitutional things in my view. And we were in the most locked down city in the world. Melbourne was more locked down than North Korea.

So that's, that was where we were at. And we had a wonderful church. We have a wonderful church. They're called Discover Church. And the Lord then asked me to go, to go leave everything in Australia and come to America and we planted ourselves in Florida, but we've been going, like my son just said you know, we've been here a year and I've already gone to about 20 states, 20 states.

And in the meantime, I did some mission trip in Honduras, El Salvador, and Thailand, so we never lose our heart for the mission field, even though we believe America is very strategic right now. And, you know, normally people are called into the mission field. from America. But now you can see that Missionaries are coming back to America and coming back to help save America.

That's where we're at right now. So, the call from 20 years ago, I got a prophecy was to go to all 50 states. I don't have any special connection other than wonderful friends like you and our online followers. But we somehow just got on stage with general Flynn and Eric Trump and all these wonderful Patriots.

And we've done it three times. We're going to do one more time in North Carolina, right? The last Reawaken tour. We're So we're meeting great people. Like I just finished doing three churches in Georgia. I was really just struck by the beauty of Georgia. I can see the devil hates this country because the people are so, so Christian, so decent, so good.

But if you look on the news, you would think that this nation is, you know, it's like Hollywood and Hollywood should not be representing this country. Exactly. I'm so glad you said that because there are so many Christians that. You know, feel like they're alone and they feel like that they've been abandoned by their nation.

They feel like they've been abandoned by so many other Christians because people believe in certain things and other people believe in other things. And so I know it's like really frustrating. So I love to hear you say that because you know, God is not done with this country. And God is really moving in this country, but I think the shaking had to take place.

Things had to get a little bit uncomfortable in order for people to turn back to God and realize that God is a solution for everything in this country. So I am so glad that you're here. I am so glad that you are preaching the word of God. And I, I was watching some clips that you had done and I'm just like, I love how he preaches because not enough.

People preach the word of God like you preach it. And I just want to thank you for how you do that because people need to hear the real, honest truth of almighty God and not a form of religion. Amen. Thank you. I think there's a lot, a lot more people that are open. But unfortunately, I also see when I travel, a lot of churches are not even yet open to the any move of the Holy Spirit.

They don't think God speaks today, and we have to help the church awaken. You know, the church is this sleeping giant, and if the church woke up, if the church, everybody voted their conscience and did what the Bible says. Nobody would stop the church. This country would be taken back in a minute like this.

Just like I was telling you, and before that event happened, I asked Lord, I said, why is this not happening? Country, because I grew up in that environment. I grew up with miracles. I grew up with the Holy Ghost. I grew up with this miracle. If people get out of wheelchairs, All these different things happening right before my eyes.

And I asked him what happened to this country and what happened to the body of Christ and churches with this moves of your power and your glory. And he said, people stopped wanting it and people stopped asking and people stopped expecting it because they stopped believing in it because they just got into their, you know, let's just have church, let's just sing for 20 minutes, let's just have a 20 minute preaching and then let's make sure that we're out for lunch and there wasn't.

God being able to flow how we needed to flow. So I told all the speakers that were there, I said, we're going to throw the, all of the plans out and we're just going to let God go. And how it goes, how it goes, you know, we have, you know, a schedule, but it's just really God's schedule that we're on right now.

And I warned them all. And this is how it was. And I want more churches to just let go and let God be God and let him flow. He wants to flow in churches all over this country. So I'm so happy that you said it because there is a hunger to see the power of God in this country again. So I think that, you know, what I can contribute when, when I come here, that you got the best churches, you got the best preachers, you got the best prophets, you got everything already.

I told the Lord, you don't really need me in America. But he did give me a you know, a special, maybe a unique wake up call that is not being heard as often right now, which is, I believe that we're in a season of justice. I believe that we can all agree. Jesus is coming back to judge. I believe that the foundation of God's throne is righteousness and judgment, and we've been very lopsided in preaching only one side righteousness, and we've forgotten about justice.

And because of that, that's why we're losing the youth to social justice, climate justice, racial justice, all of these things. The church is the one that actually has the best answer to all of the problems in America, but it's encapsulated in this one word called justice, and it's actually the call of God.

It's actually the main theme of end times, and I'm just here to remind. I don't think that's new, but I'm here to remind the church. That's what I did just the past few days. I did three churches in Georgia, five meetings. And in every place I went, you know, I don't want to say high accolades for our ministry, but I can say the pastors themselves, they were so touched.

They were so transformed. They said, you know, it's like fresh wind has come. Cause you got in the middle of the country in rural Georgia, even in Atlanta, you can feel like, you know, Atlanta's totally Democrat country. Georgia is conservative, but you feel like you're powerless. That's what they were saying to me.

But once you get the understanding that you have, you have judicial authority from Jesus Christ, you've been made a king and a priest on this earth, and that's not future. That's now we're made a king and a priest when we deal with wickedness in high places, when we deal with our judicial authority using the word of God, the Bible says that we have, we, the saints.

In someone 49, we have the power to, to execute the written judgment. We just find what is written in the Bible and we can execute that. And I started seeing that in my ministry in Australia where evil people, you know, people, not everybody comes to church with good intent. You know, you, you try to say they mean well, you know, they they, they don't know what they're doing.

You know, Jesus said, forgive them father. They don't know what they're doing. No, I met them where they know what they're doing. They have come with bad intent. And in the old days, I would just say there's nothing we can do. We're just gonna bless them. And the more I bless these enemies and these wicked false prophets and these perverts that come into church, the more they came.

So, so I decided, you know what, as a pastor, Even though I wasn't taught this in Bible school, I'm going to ask God. And like Luke 18, the woman asked God, avenge me, give me justice. Lord, that's a new Testament prayer that we heartily pray when I prayed differently and my heart was still filled with love. I still forgave people, but I said, Lord, I'm not going to let people destroy the faith of the sheep, take out new believers, split a church.

I'm not putting up with it. I say in Jesus name, avenge me, Lord, you're the Lord who loves justice. Give me justice. Amen. You know what? There were false prophets that came to my church. They got arrested. They went on the front page news in Australia. Arrested. I had people who attacked me. They went into the hospital with, with grievous diseases.

And I don't, I didn't curse them to make them sick. But I said, Lord, I'm not putting up with this anymore. Children's faith are being affected. People are affected. I said, Lord, avenge me. And people went sick. Some people died. Some people arrested. And I started to see, you know what this wasn't taught in our Bible schools, but it's a main theme in the Bible so we can awaken the pastors to this.

We'll realize we don't have to pick in and fight and beg secular atheists. Oh, judge, please give us, you know, a favorable ruling. No, we can actually take authority now and begin to clean out Washington and all this. And this then goes, it, it, it, Meshes with it. Sinks with your own prophecy. I was listening to you, your prophecy about how you believe the Lord told you that more is going to be exposed by through actors, through the rappers, through all these things I completely, that resonates in my spirit because the Lord has so many more Hunter Biden laptops, he's got them.

They're just like, they're just like stupid giveaways. Like who would leave, who would leave a laptop with all the incriminating evidence for the Biden family? For a dude who's not Christian and is not aware, he's like, I just found this laptop and look at this incriminating evidence it could bring down Washington D.

C. God said, I have many more of those. I have many more. But you, but the people must ask. He waits for us to ask. Yes, I love it when you said that because one of the main themes that God has had me talk about for the last two or three years is justice. Justice and authority that God's people have. And a lot of people write and say, I don't even know we had authority.

I don't even know how to pray. I don't even know what to say. And it's like, you know, God is said, vengeance is my, he said, the full justice rests with me. He is waiting for us to call out that justice. Like you were saying, and avenging us, that's what God wants to do. And God has allowed certain things to happen for his people.

They get a little bit uncomfortable. To start searching him out, seeking his word, finding out what his word says. And what you're telling so many people is exactly what the churches need to hear. They need to hear that God is a God of justice. And one of the foundations of God's throne is justice, justice, and righteousness.

And if people would realize that they would change an attitude of what we're seeing upon this earth right now. And you just said laptops, and there's a whole bunch of them. God keeps talking about laptops and he keeps talking about videos and phone conversations and emails and text messages. He keeps saying he's got it all.

He just hasn't used it all yet because it isn't the right time. But God is going to avenge his people. That's what he's always done. And that's what he continues to do because he's a God of justice and he is a God that will show the world the judgment of his mighty hand to place judgment on one side and to bless his people on the other side.

And that's what he's done. And I know he'll do it again. And the one thing that resonated with me is what he's been saying to me and lately, and has been saying to other people. Have me tell our people this is that he said, I am going to show the world who I am, not a version of who I am, but who I am. So I love the fact that you're talking about justice.

I love the fact that you're talking about authority because more people need to do that and need to hear that in the body of Christ. You know, we're so good at, at marketing and preaching and that it's almost like the American version of the gospel has become the gospel, but the American version is just, Presenting one side of Jesus, we've almost hidden the kingly side, you know, we like the Savior and the friend.

We even we sing about it, but we've hidden the judgment side. He is coming back to judge. And we're not to hide that facet of Jesus. He's a lamb, but he's also the line of the tribe of Judah. Why is it both? Okay, I've got thumbs up on my on my background there. The Lord is approving. That's awesome. I didn't mean to do that.

Well, that's that's very effective. Yeah, it got it. God is moving. And I tell people this all the time, God wins and the enemy lose and there's their celebrations are short lived because the enemy always thinks he has God's people exactly the way in where he wants them. And in fact, God has the enemies exactly where God wants them.

And they're always going to fall in the traps of God. They're always going to fall because God always is smarter than them. First of all, and he always wins and always have his way. So I, I just want to give people hope and encouragement. And I love the fact that you are teaching all these other pastors and all these other churches, the, the real.

Written word of God, like you said, not an American version of God. It is a written word of God. It is powerful. And I've, I said one time to somebody when I was on stage, use the word of God, like a weapon, because it is, it's a sword of the spirit. And they kind of looked at me and they asked me afterwards, what does that mean?

And I'm like, this is something that God's people have to realize. We have authority, we have dominion, we have power over the enemy. That's why God talks about that in Luke 19, 10, 19, we have this power. Now we're revealing that power and now God's people just need to use it. It reminds me about Psalm 149.

It says that we come to God with the praises of God, right? The praises of God and with the sword on the other hand. So we've, we've just, we just need to come with both and we're going to see the victory. And I would encourage your audience that it, this justice message begins with you. It begins with you in your home.

When you experience injustice in your life, it causes the greatest grief. And it's the biggest, like it requires the greatest amount of faith to overcome injustices in your life and your ministry and your business. Try it. Get the scriptures about justice. And then once it works in your life, it's that kind of faith for healing, right?

We had to all go on, you know, ride a tricycle first and healing, try laying hands on ourselves, getting healed. And then we realized, Hey, this works. Maybe we can go lay hands on the sick and they will also recover. That's how justice is going to be reintroduced and become victory for us is we're going to ask God for justice in those moments.

Terrible injustices that's going on in our personal lives, then you will see eventually, then we will be called by by the Lord. He will call us to help people like Donald Trump. They need to cry out for justice. I think that's all God's waiting for right now. You know, I prophesied like Kim Clement that Trump was going to win.

I think I was the second person. And I didn't watch your shows. I don't know at that time, you know, many, many years ago, but I think I was the second one to say Trump is going to be president by the leading of the Lord, and I said, he's going to be two term president, but it looked like I got it wrong because this, the election was stolen.

But the main thing is that Trump was not yet aware of his, he, he wasn't disciple in Christ and he wasn't aware of his role as an agent of justice. I'm pretty sure he is aware now after getting 88 indictments, 34 convictions, he is aware how corrupt the system is. That's actually. Many, many Americans already know it is, but they don't have the TV spotlight on them.

They don't have the billions to fight. So people are crushed by this unjust system. And now Donald Trump as the next president, is aware, but before he can just fight, fight, fight like he did last time, he, he himself, the Lord is waiting for him. To get filled with the spirit and to cry out for justice himself, when he says it out of his own mouth, when he says, Lord, Jesus Christ, avenge me and avenge his nation, all those laptops, all those pedophiles, exposures, everything is going to start coming out, but God is waiting for one man.

He himself has to be disciple to Christ. I 100%, 100 percent agree with that. And actually the Lord had given me this morning which I have not given out yet, it was right before my live show and I heard a word from the Lord. And that was one of the things that he was talking about is that he is waiting.

For president Trump to listen to him and the voices of the prophets that God has sent to him to listen to what God has instructed him to do and stop trusting in man and start trusting in God and God alone, because God alone is, he said, he's the one who's going to get him. Back in that seat of power, but this is a part where you just said, he's waiting for him to cry out for that justice and not to try to figure out all these things on his own or trust the people all around him, telling him what he can or should do.

It's not the fact that they're wrong. It's the fact that God has the best intel in the world. God can see the whole entire picture when man can only see a fraction. Fraction of that picture. God wants president Trump to rely on Here that are have been by his side aren't the right people by his side leading him the right way Biblically or spiritually in this matter and God is saying it's now that time to be led by God and God alone because God is the only one because God keeps calling him his David he is the one who is going to tell him what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.

And God's going to give him the power and the anointing in order to do it the exact right time and the exact right day. And God's going to do it. And so when you said that it's so resonated in my spirit, it's like, yes, that's exactly what he's waiting for is him to be that filled with the Holy Spirit and cry out to God for justice.

I love that. I just love that so much. Amen. Amen. You know, and the serious thing about what the time we're living in is, America is heading towards a civil war. This is the timeline. This is the timeline that God gave in Revelation chapter 6. And so we need a leader that really hears God and In America, I don't know what it is about, you know, the states, but the model here is bigger is better.

Everything bigger is better. That's what Americans believe. If that were true the, the bigger universities would be better than homeschooling. They're the biggest, they got the biggest budget, the biggest departments. And yet it's not true. They perpetrated that COVID lie on everybody. And they went along with it.

So what I'm saying with with Donald Trump is he's going to really have to discern that the biggest pastors of America are not necessarily his friends. They may be there just to use him as, you know, a photo opportunity for themselves. And I'm not besmirching all pastors, but I'm saying I know in my spirit that the Lord says the cleansing begins in the house of the Lord.

The judgment that we're talking about begins in the house of the Lord. And many will not stand when the judgment falls and God's going to expose a lot of the megachurch pastors, not because megachurches are bad. I never would say such a thing. You know, we need churches of all sizes, but the temptation on any human being, human nature cannot handle so much power and so much money without any humility, without any accountability.

And you're seeing scandals like of a just grotesque kind. Among the American church leadership. And that's one of the big problems is how are we going to advise Trump? How are we going to help Trump if he thinks, you know, for him, like politically, the mega church pastors would do the best, would give the best support for voting right for him.

But those are not necessarily the best voices for him to listen to. And it may be, you know, a pastor's daughter like you. It may be someone else, but he has to stop, you know, following the American model. Bigger is better. Bigger is not better as being proven through the university systems crumbling that the great military has lost Afghanistan and it looks like we're losing Ukraine.

I mean, bigger and the bigger church is not necessarily more biblical, more spiritual, more hardworking, not necessarily. So it's, it's a big thing to overcome. I don't know, Julie, if you, you know, What the solution is for this, but that that's what I've noticed in the, in the United States. I agree with you a hundred percent because I, I know people that know him obviously that are very close with him.

And I mean, he's been hurt just by the church as much as, if not more than my politicians. And I think the same thing like you talked about, it's like, it's not like all big mega churches are bad. They're not, but there are people that are out there that are out there to gain themselves something instead of being out there to lose everything just to do the will of almighty God, because it depends on the heart of a man.

That's why God has been telling me that anything and everything that can be shaken will be shaken and shaking also is going to start and going to happen in the body of Christ because there has to be that cleansing and God wants and has always had in times past. Prophets next to presidents or next to kings or next to leaders and rulers.

Why? Because in order to lead a nation in the right direction, you have to have God's insight of what it is. And a president, a king is not usually a prophet or a pastor or a teacher or evangelist, or we don't, whatever. They are led by God and anointed and appointed to be in those positions. But a position needs to be with God.

It cannot be just by man's insight and man's intelligence. And I think that another thing is, is because there's so many people that have such, they have degrees, they have intelligence, you know, they're so smart and they think because their intelligence can get them out of something and that's not. The timeframe that we're living anymore, intelligence and all these degrees and you know, all this prime spotlight is not the answer or the solution to any problem.

God is a solution to the problem. God is the one who wants to be allowed in to fix these things. We just have to give them the opportunity. And so that's the reason why we pray all the time for this nation. We We pray for president Trump. We pray for his inner circle. We pray for his family. We pray for all this.

That way they know what God wants for them. He wants, I mean, I'm telling you, he's been talking about justice with me, with them, that he is going to avenge them and give them back what they were stolen from. And plus more because of their sacrifice and what they've done for this country. The missing piece of that puzzle is just letting go.

and letting God flow in their life and letting him do what he needs to do. And I just love that you also are in agreement with that because not enough people are talking about that or saying that in public, cause they're too afraid to, you know, upset the apple cart. But sometimes you have to say the truth and sometimes the truth isn't always easy for, you know, for certain people to hear it, but it has to be said.

I think that the devil's been very smart in attacking the prophetic. You know, attacking the very solution for the church, the very solution for this nation is the thing that's mocked. I drive, you know, like I said, 20 states in one year and I can, I can see, I can hear the stories from Americans that they're told that God doesn't speak today.

For instance, the gifts are not for today, God would not speak today. And yet one of the main scriptures about the end time is I will give you prophecy, visions and dreams. Like God said, you know, I'm going to deal with this Baptist doctrine. I'm sorry I have to name a denomination. But whatever denomination it is that it, that believes in cessationism.

It's like that one, that like first sermon of the church in Acts 2, that alone answers the question. That it is his desire for the Holy Spirit to move. It is his desire for the Holy Spirit to continue to guide. Why? Because we're going to face new problems, new challenges. We have this climate change stuff.

We have this transgender stuff. Not everything has been spelled out in the Bible that says, you know, this is what you do with the internet. Of course not. So you have to apply the principles of the Bible prophetically. You will always need God to speak into your life. But how clever the devil was to trick ministers, and I think it starts in Bible school.

It's as simple as that. Most ministers are good hearted people. They go get their training and then they stay with their training for the rest of their life. They preach what their Bible school teachers preach. And what I'm asking for is receive fresh manna from the Lord. Look at the Word of God again about the end times and be open to the prophetic.

You know, one prophet, give you an example of how prophets are so relevant to the Bible. To a nation and to politics, which, which is going on right now. One prophet that I don't think most people could name. His name is Jay, who he was just really unknown, right? He just shows up and he prevents a civil war.

When Solomon's son gets too proud, he wanted to increase tax. He's a socialist. He's a communist. He wants to increase tax and, and take care of himself and the elites. And the Northern 10 tribes led by Jeroboam say, Hey, David, look after your own house because you're not looking after our interests anymore.

We are basically succeeding. It's the talk of, of today. It's like what's going on now is what happened already in the, in the first civil war in the Bible. And so Rehoboam's mad. He's got a military mind. He rounds up, I think around a hundred 80, 000 at least soldiers and he says, we're going to go claim the kingdom back.

And this one unknown prophet, Jehu comes up and says, This thing is of the Lord. Don't go and fight. Everybody go home. And they listen. Imagine if Rehoboam wasn't even that spiritual, that obedient, and that one prophetic word prevented a civil war. That's where we're at right now. A civil war is looming.

It's being planned for the destruction of this great nation. And a prophet's word, one word spoken at the right time inside the White House, inside Congress, at the right time, and obeyed, it can prevent this war. And that's, that's how important the prophetic ministry is. Isn't it? Yeah. You know, the thing is, even with us, I mean the, the persecution, God, first of all, doesn't talk to prophets, you know, prophets aren't for today.

He definitely wouldn't speak to a woman. He definitely wouldn't speak as much as you're speaking. So I went to God about it. I said, okay, one, I didn't ask for any of this. And I said, what's going on? And he said, Julie, if your enemies can talk every day, so can I. You know, and that's the truth. And again, whenever there's anything that happened to a nation, God always sent a prophet on the scene.

And he did that just like with Nineveh, he sent Jonah to them. Why? Because he didn't want them destroyed. He wanted them to hear a word from him. And it was their choice with Nineveh in order to believe it or not. And so right now it's the, the church's choice to believe what God is saying or not. But i'm telling you god would never forsake us.

You'd never leave us never forsake us And he's always going to have prophet or prophets on the scene in order for them to hear what god has for a now a day Time and word just like you said not everything god is the same yesterday and forever He's used prophets then he'll use prophets now because we're in a dire situation Where people need to have that like you said that fresh manna from heaven in that direction of oh God, what's going on in our nation right now?

I don't understand what to do. That's why I tell people every day, here's the prophetic word. This is what God gives. This is a scripture he's given with that word. Now go get in the word of God, go read the scriptures, and then he will show you the prophetic. Because so many people can hear a prophetic word and then try to have their own spin on it.

And try to understand it a certain way when that's not the way god meant it at all And so the best study buddy in the world is god and he's going to direct you What he is saying and what the revelation that he wants you to hear for this very day And this very hour and so I i'm telling you we've been praying for unity in the body of christ And for an awakening and a discerning of the spirit that people know what god is truly saying And why he's saying it and why he's using certain people because he's using so many people But satan has always mocked prophets always has since they've been on the scene He always wants to save people away from the truth.

That's the way satan works So i'm glad that you said that because people need to hear You What God has to say and it's very imperative to the society that we're living in right now. I, I, before I even got here, I gave a template, you know, a prophetic word for president Donald Trump. And I don't think, I think it reached the white house, but I don't think he paid attention or he did anything.

And it's hard now at this stage of the game to be training up the entire body of price and to train up the leaders. We have to have the game plan set in place, just like the devil does. Like you said, The devil is already speaking every day. He's already got his game plan, like way better organized than a lot of the Christians.

So I gave him or the Lord downloaded to me 10 very practical prophetic words, how to save America. And so you can apply the word of God to for instance, the digital censorship. God has a solution for that, right? To the lawfare that's going on. To the family court issues that's going on to the climate change issue, the education.

So I've got, I got 10 different reforms, 10 different biblical reformations that any politician that gets the money, the opportunity, the power, they can implement it right away. And it would bring the favor of God. It would bring the authority of God over the United States. I think that's what prophetic voices can bring to leadership, you know, prophets don't need to, we don't need to get to every single church, but we need to start small fires everywhere.

That's what the Lord showed me is people like you, you're starting small fires and small fires. Then they join. That's how the Revolutionary War was won. These small battles were won everywhere all over the United States and eventually Great Britain lost. Yeah. Right. It wasn't one huge, big battle, one big confrontation.

So we've got to light these small fires all across 50 states. That's one level. And at another level, we need to give the game plan. I don't know if Trump has a game plan, to be honest. And I listened to him a lot and I love his speeches, but in the end, if I, if I am just like, I'm just an ordinary voter and I want to go do something, I don't have a game plan.

I don't know what to do. Besides you're telling me to go vote. What's the game plan? Right. So to get a game plan, he needs to get with his best, most trusted, wisest advisors and come up with a game plan. What are we asking people to do? What are we believing for? I haven't really heard him say, like, I'm asking you to pray for justice in this situation.

He needs to say things like that. That's a game plan. That's something that we can grab onto other than November 5th, please go vote. I think it's much bigger than that. So the prophetic voice opens up your eyes and your vista and helps you to realize God has a much bigger picture than November 5th, right?

And he's already got it figured out. He knows how to defeat these, these evil judges. You know, in my book, Trump's unfinished business, if I may mention it, I even say, how would you get rid of these judges? And you know, that historically I went through because the constitution is written by mainly by Christians implemented by Christians, defended by Christians, the way that they use impeachment.

You know, they misuse it against him and they, he went through two sham impeachments in which he was acquitted. So he wasn't guilty, but people keep quoting, he's impeached, but he was also acquitted. Now that was misuse of impeachment because you go back historically. How was it used? It was used to get rid of a high handed judges.

That was the most common word that was used high handedness. Well, if you find Alex Jones a billion dollars, that is high handed, isn't it? It's cruel. But you find the former president, 350 million or whatever it was, plus interest became 400 million. You're talking about cruel, unusual, politically motivated punishments.

Just for that, just for that one ruling, they would impeach you back in the old days. Well, that's one chapter in Trump's unfinished business. How would you use the Bible and the constitution to lawfully clean up the whole place? We could do it fast, but we need wisdom and we need the prophetic word of God.

Yeah. And that's a fresh word, fresh word from God. Okay. In case people say they might think if I can explain, people think you're just throwing around the word prophetic. I'm not. When we pray, we're saying our desires to God. But when we receive prophecy, we're receiving God's desire to us. It's that simple.

How much do we need to hear? What does God desire of us? What does God desire of our family or church in America? We need the prophetic. We're not otherwise. We're just constantly sending up our wishes to God, and it's all about what we want. And we might misinterpret God's plan, God's timing because we wanted a certain way.

And God says, Nope, I want Trump to go through this. I want him and the whole nation to see this because we're gonna clean house, right? But we have to go through that. So if you're praying against that, because you're saying, well, I don't want that to happen. You're actually praying against God's will. The prophetic then gives you God's will coming towards from heaven towards us and saying, children, you know, church, this is what I would like.

I want you to believe for this. I want you to pray for this. I want you to work hard towards this. And the season now is God is saying it's a season of my justice. Yeah. And one of the things you said was, was God's been saying a lot. You don't need an election to save this nation. That's what God keeps telling us.

And so that's the missing link for our president, for president Trump is the fact that God is that missing link to make America great again, he does say make America pray again, but it's how America is praying. Just like you said, it's not just any words that you're speaking. That's why I tell people, in their prayer clauses, don't just say anything.

Because it says in God's Word 11, that His words do not return to Him void. God's been giving us marching orders. He's been giving us decrees and declarations. Something to say. His Word. Words, because it's so important in a life and death situation, no matter if it's, you know, a family member, no matter what's going on with this nation, God will always give you the exact word at the exact moment that you need it, that he will perform that word.

He just needs your agreement to perform that word. And so if you have a person like president Trump, as strong as he is, as intelligent as he is, how he's just like, he's just as fighter that he is. The only thing he's missing is the power and the anointing of almighty God and then trusting God and saying, you know what?

It's not me. It's you. I just want to hear what you have to say I will do whatever you want me to do and when you want me to do it It's like a flame that will never be put out and that's the thing that we all have to do as Christians is just taking that praying for President Trump praying that through that he sees that it's not him that is God through him that will complete the job that he has a need to complete in this, you know, in this nation to make America the country that God wants it to be.

This is our, another American revolutionary war. I love how you said that earlier, because it wasn't, George Washington. And it wasn't all of them. It wasn't their power. They were running out of ammunition. They were running out of people. Everything was against them, but what they needed was God. And so that's exactly what we need right now during this time where we have a, you know, a bigger entity trying to destroy this country is we need exactly that.

We need God and God alone. And I think that's the reason why he allowed, allowed that election to be stolen, because he did, because he said, I allowed it to happen. He allowed it to get president Trump to be closer to him, to be able to trust him, to put him in basically situations where he couldn't get out of alone.

And I know is as a nation, we can't get out of these situations without God alone either. We have to have God, God's the only solution. And that's where we need to know that God is our way out. And it's nothing else and no one else. And this, this is where the Christians who believe in the supernatural are so critical at this time.

You know, I know you believe that none of this is going to be possible because we have a wonderful you know, military, let's say a lot of people putting their hopes in there's some military tribunal going on. There's the military's got it all figured out. It's not by might nor by power, but by the Holy Spirit, we need the supernatural.

And I don't know if you caught the interview that Tucker did with Nayib Bukele, the president of El Salvador. Did you see that one? Well, I went down to El Salvador to check this out. And I, I went, I actually met Nayib Bukele. A few months ago, but we didn't meet him because he just had his, his his daughter.

So I went down to see what was happening down there and preach to some of the pastors down there. And I tell you that interview encapsulates exactly what I saw. I asked, how did it happen? His country is the most corrupt country in, in our hemisphere. It's the most dangerous country in the world, in the world, more than Iraq and Afghanistan at that time, right?

They got 70, 000 gang members loose and they could kill anybody. They could kill their own grandmother. So they said that the whole problem was mission impossible because just to topple the government or just to strike fear, they don't have to go out and kill your family. They might even kill their own family.

That's how satanic these people were. And Tucker said, well, how did you clean it up? Now it's the safest country in this hemisphere. It's peaceful. Property prices have gone up. Churches are having revival. What, what happened? And he says, well, do you want the official story or do you want the real story?

And Tucker said, well, tell me the official story. And he says, well, you know, we have the six phase plan. We went through phase one, phase two, phase three. By the time phase six, you know, we pacify the country. He said, Well, what's the real story? He said, It's a miracle. It's a miracle. That's the real story. We would sit up at 2, 3 a.

m. in the, in the morning with these gang members striking fear at the heart of the country, and we didn't know what else to do about it, and we prayed. And Tucker said, Really? You prayed in a, in a presidential cabinet meeting? And they, of course. Of course, several times we pray. That's what we need to hear now from the white house, from Congress, even the Supreme court.

Why are we not hearing this? Why are we not hearing humble leaders? Somebody has to break the ice. Somebody has to say it. And I think Trump's chosen for that, but nothing short of a miracle. And we can't kid ourselves that we can organize ourselves enough. We can do whatever in the natural. We really need to trust in a speaking, living miracle, working God today.

And people who are sensitive to the spirit and filled with the spirit. We are best positioned to help save this country. And one of the things that you know why this is not happening in our Senate and our Congress and our Supreme Court is because there was this, you know, separation of church and state.

Well, it was completely twisted and turned around exactly the way it was not supposed to be. It was supposed to be the government was not supposed to infringe on the church, but instead people took it as the church is not supposed to infringe on the government. And so they took God out of our government.

You know, there's the 10 commandments aren't anywhere in front of a lot of our of our court systems anymore. You don't, you're not allowed to pray. And if you do, then, you know, you're just, Christianity has been so demoralized and attacked and just destroyed in this nation. And if you're a Christian, then you're a lunatic.

And so. Why I tell people and because that's what persecution people get is God wouldn't talk about politics and God doesn't want to have anything to do with the government. That is the farthest thing from the truth because he even says he brings down kingdoms and he brings on nations and make the Council of Nations to no effect as it says in Psalm 33 10.

So he does say something about bringing kingdoms down. He even talks about that in Haggai, another different. Scriptures and it's like it's amazing to me how twisted a word can be what people believe it And so that's the reason why god has been telling us listen You need to put me back in your government because if you don't have me you don't have goodness You don't have goodness.

You don't have life. If you don't have life, you don't have blessing a blessing You have cursing and everything evil is there when I am not there So our choice is we're going to put god back on our government whether people understand it or not We're gonna leave The people that it's either good or evil.

That's just, that's, that's only two things. There's not anything else. And so seeing this, this you know, what people have been saying in the churches for so long, and I'm like, look. This is not what God said. This is not what our founding fathers wanted. They did not want what we have in this nation today, a government controlling what pastors, teachers, people can say they're threatening them.

Like I was taken off YouTube five times because you know, they don't want to hear, and they don't want people to be encouraged. They don't want people to be encouraged or they don't want people to have hope. They don't want people to believe and trust in God. They want the exact opposite. They want to kill the life and the spirit of people, and they don't want them to have anything to hold on to.

And so if we just fight this and we had to do it is by God, I invite you back into our government. I invite you back to our presidency. I invite you back into our white house and our Senate and our Congress and our Supreme court. That's what this country needs. And that's what every country needs all around the world.

It's not just the United States of America that God cares about restoring. He wants to restore every nation and he wants the glory and his fire to be everywhere. He doesn't want it to disappear here. It's just, we need to start it here because I'm telling you this country helps so many other nations around the world.

And it's, it's like that light and that beacon that everybody's, I mean, there's millions of people praying all over the world for this nation, but this nation, it was the growing dim and growing dark because people believed a lie. And that's why so much truth is coming out. is because that truth sets people free.

Yeah. If, if there's another model or another doctrine that's besides bigger is better, it's the separation of church and state. That's another big American myth. That's obviously not in the Bible. We don't have to go so deep. We just look at the title of Jesus. He is King. He obviously cares very much about putting government, good government on the earth.

Otherwise his title wouldn't be King. He'd just be a shepherd or a priest. But his title is king. He's coming back to rule and to reign. And we are kings with him and the most popular scripture that we probably quote at every Christmas is unto us a son is born unto us a child is given. And what is it?

What does the Bible say? And the government shall be upon the shoulder. It's like that's the Christmas story. It's like we from the beginning of the story. It's about government. And so it's such a lie. The devil has put. perpetrated and put on the church to believe that the separation of church and state means that the church is to be relegated into a corner.

And we are where we're at because we advocated our role in leadership, in government, injustice. In the beginning, you know, people got married only in the church. Then we gave it away as civil union. Then after that, it became homosexual union. We gave that away. That was our jurisdiction. It's a religious matter.

It's a spiritual matter, but we kept giving it away. Then we gave away education. That separation of church and state would also mean we give away education, but all the main schools were started by Christians, but we gave it away. Then we get public school and now we're getting woke ism and transgender not only ideology, but transgender acts surgery.

Being done on the children without the consent of the parents. Again, we are where we're at because we abdicated our role in justice. So we take it back. That's the solution. We have to take it back. And God calls us and God is anointing Donald Trump to take it back, but he's got to know his role according to God's plan.

He's there and he's going to be empowered because God wants him there. And God wants him to do certain things within four years. And we don't have a lot of time. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. I mean, seriously, it's like that mandate. God is telling us to call down justice and God wants us to do that. And also he wants to do it speedily.

God cares. That's why I keep giving out that scripture. Hebrews 10 and 30, because God is the one who avenges. He says, vengeance is mine. And the meting out a full justice rest with me. I will settle. And this causes in the cases of my people in the amplified version. So he cares about that. This nation.

He cares about the cases. He cares about this injustice. He cares about what the enemies have been doing to us and keeping us in slave and bondage, not only physically, but mentally, spiritually, and every other way you can think about it. God is talking about another exodus. He wants his people to be free, just like it was in the children of Egypt.

He, they were free from Egypt's bondage, but at the same time, he freed them spiritually because he said there was no feeble among them. And so God said, I want my people free. He said, let my people go. So they may freely serve me. God wants His people free to freely serve Him, but He also wants kings and leaders and presidents to be able to be led by Him, to lead these nations, to let Him be in control.

Because just like this, just like this country, you get in trouble for saying, one one nation under God. And so that's why a lot of schools don't teach the Pledge of Allegiance anymore because it said God in there and that's offensive to certain people. We have to stop being offended. We have to stop letting them put their offenses on us.

And we started calling in justice because God is a God of justice and it's very, very important to him. And I think that's something that is resonating in people's hearts. Knowing God does care and not only does God care, but God will do something about it. So I, I just, I've had so much fun talking to you today.

Is there anything that you want to add? Before we go, and I know I want to add two, cause I know you have to get going cause you're out of town going home. This is your website right here. Tell people where they can find you on social media. Okay. So we are like you, we are greatly censored by YouTube.

So our biggest channels got 60 million views. We're on YouTube. Just look up discover ministry and you'll find us, but they suppress a lot of our videos and they red flag us. So we ask people to come, especially if you want to support what we're doing in all 50 states, go to discoverchurch. online. Okay.

You'll get my sermons every single week, just like a normal church. You'll get the fellowship. You can even a private message me. Once you're in the inside of our own app, that's discoverchurch. online. We're on YouTube. I'm on Twitter now, which is called X, you know, we're back on Twitter. What else?

And then Amazon, you know, the tools that I give you that is what God gave me. Resources like Trump's unfinished business put in the hands of as many congressmen, leaders Christian school principals, history teachers, whatever, as many leaders as you can put Trump's unfinished business in their hands, read it for yourself.

If the subtitle is 10 prophecies to save America, I was asking my team, can you scramble and get, get a book from me, but I only have this to show my show. It's this version. So I don't have the English. I don't have the English version. We sold out in Georgia, but it's all on Amazon. This is a Spanish. We got a Spanish, Portuguese, many other languages.

Thai is coming out. We got a book called scam proof your life, which contains justice scriptures to restore COVID years. That's when I wrote it. A lot of people were so scammed, cheated, defrauded. How do we deal with this? Well, I start to tell people in that specific kind of economic financial area.

How do you you know, have a win in that area. So we actually have a story of somebody who was cheated out of 300, 000 of her retirement savings in Bitcoin. And she applied the print was first, she didn't apply anything. She went to the lawyers. She tried to, you know, sue them. And the lawyer said, well, these people are like offshore.

They've, they've created their own, you know, offshore companies. There's no way to get to them, you know, the scammers. So it was sinking the retirement of one of my church members. And I told her, well, look, this is what I would do more than just saying I tithe, or I just hope to get the money back, take some of these steps.

And she did it. And in 10 days, 300, 000 came back to her. So it was an utter miracle. It was a miracle of justice is one of those stories where I can tell you. I know that if we do the right things, we don't know how it will come back, but it will come back. Restoration is ours. Justice is ours. So that's another good book just to begin to apply the principles and the scriptures of justice into your own personal life.

And once you're confident. You're going to better go and pray for other people and pray for your community to have justice. So that book is called scam proof your life in the end time. That's, that's why I would send you. There's lots of other things you can check out, but as long as you come into the discoverchurch.

online you're going to see a lot of great content there and we'll keep in touch with you. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you for being on. It has been really fun and it's been really insightful because it's really awesome to see somebody with like faith and, and hearing what you're doing all over this country.

I mean, it is so amazing and I just want to thank you for coming here and doing what you're doing in the body of Christ and giving them the truth and that setting them free. And it's sparking those fires that need to happen all over. This country that people need to hear really what God is and what he's about and what he has for us.

And it's not the version that people have been told, and he's not who people thought he was. He is an absolutely good God. So thank you for all you do. And thank you for being on. And I have the link of this right here, the discoverchurchonline. online. And so I have that on here. I know that they put it in the chat for you.

I have that in the description box for you. Go and check out Steve and check out his books and check out his, him online. And yes, censorship is ridiculous. So that's the reason why we're here on Rumble. And we are on Facebook too, because again, we, we're not going to sit there and play the games that, you know, people want you to play.

We want to say the real word of God. And so I just, again, I thank you for being bold. And for doing what you're doing, it is amazing and you're doing great work. And so thank you. And thank you for being tireless. I know you're on like almost every day. You are awesome. You are awesome. Keep it up and don't be discouraged by these voices.

They don't know these fires are going to join into one big revival soon. And you didn't know, but the Lord had also told us that we were fire starters. So when you said that, that was just confirmation. God has told us I could mandate that we have as a, as a ministry, as a team to go start fires all over the place.

So I did not know that. I did not know. Yeah, that was just confirmation. So I just want to thank you. And I just pray that you guys have a very, very blessed and safe trip home. I know you guys are going home today and so God bless you. And I know we will be connecting. Soon hopefully, and I just want to tell everybody, thank you for joining today's live show.

Go check out Steve again, go check out what he's saying because more people need to hear about justice and about what God is saying and what you can do about your situations today. So I just want to say thank you. God bless you. We love you. God loves you and have a wonderful day.

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