No More Income Tax? Trump Discusses Major Change with Lawmakers!

3 months ago

On June 13, Donald Trump met with Republican lawmakers in Washington to discuss the idea of abolishing the federal income tax. Sources report that Trump proposed replacing the current tax system with tariffs, which would fundamentally change the country’s revenue collection method.

If income taxes were eliminated, individuals and businesses would no longer pay taxes on their earnings, potentially increasing disposable income and stimulating consumer spending and business investment. Instead, the government would rely primarily on tariffs, which are taxes on imported goods and services. U.S. Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky's 4th congressional district confirmed that Trump brought up this idea during the meeting, calling it:

> "The most intriguing policy idea from the GOP meeting at the Capitol Hill Club this morning."

Trump is not the only Republican candidate to suggest eliminating income tax. Before exiting the presidential race in January, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis proposed abolishing the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in favor of a flat tax. Former U.S. Representative Ron Paul of Texas also advocated for ending the federal income tax during his presidential campaigns, suggesting that the country could function without it by significantly reducing federal spending and relying on excise taxes and non-protectionist tariffs.

It is important to note that Trump’s discussion was exploratory. Whether this idea will be implemented depends on his election success and plans to carry out the concept. This proposal, echoing past suggestions from other GOP leaders, highlights a recurring theme within the party: rethinking the federal revenue structure.

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