Introducing THE.NEW.REBELS.

9 months ago

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I am blessed and excited to introduce to you all: THE.NEW.REBELS.

Who is that?
It’s YOU. It’s ME. We’re the everyday AMERICAN—dreaming, living, and pressing on as our Founding Fathers intended. The old way of life that was once admired from all over the globe is being ostracized and stripped away from us by the loud minority. What was old is now NEW. WE were born for such a time as this, and WE THE PEOPLE will fight to keep our Republic. We are THE.NEW.REBELS.

TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO ORDER IN TIME FOR JULY 4TH! Enjoy 20% off with code TNR1776. Valid until July 4th.

Proceeds from our shop go to my Legal Defense Fund. Thank you for your support! Shop now at


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