I'm Still Here

9 months ago

I have been away from the shop for so long I wanted to make a video and say hello, I’m still here and I miss making videos and sharing them with you all! Until I get back to the shop on a consistent basis I thought I would make random videos like I used to. If you don’t want to watch them that’s okay, but it is fun for me to have a video diary or whatever, of stuff I’ve been doing outside of the shop. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I look forward to sharing my adventures with you all!

Liiighthouse: https://www.liiighthouse.com/home?id=NTU=&type=channel
Cy’s Amazon Store: (affiliate links to things I use. If you click and end up buying I get an amazon affiliate commission :) https://www.amazon.com/shop/cyscorner
Where to find me or how to contact me:
Cy’s Corner Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-553423
Cy’s Corner CloutHub: https://clouthub.com/c/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Odysee: https://odysee.com/@cyscorner:6
Cy’s Corner Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOoeZFDsNp4US0BEvevTQmw
Cy’s Corner YouTube Store Tab (T-shirts) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOoeZFDsNp4US0BEvevTQmw/store
Cy’s Corner Creations for sale: Hardwood Inspirations (Husband’s Website with Cy’s Corner tab) https://www.hardwoodinspirations.com/
Cy’s Corner YouTube Store Tab: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOoeZFDsNp4US0BEvevTQmw/store
Cy’s Amazon Store: (affiliate links to things I use. If you click and end up buying I get an amazon affiliate commission :) https://www.amazon.com/shop/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Shop (Etsy): CLOSED
Cy’s Corner T-shirt Shop: https://my-store-caf310.creator-spring.com/
Cy’s Corner Website: https://cyscorner.wordpress.com/
Cy’s Corner Instagram: https://instagram.com/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CysCornerShop/?ref=settings
Cy’s Corner Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/cyscorner
Cy’s Corner Theme songs by My Torn Genes: http://mytorngenes.com/

Cy’s email: undeniablycy@gmail.com

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