The Hanged God: Rediscovering GRUESOME Rituals

7 months ago

In this 'spoiler free' #bookrecommendations, I go over primary aspects of this fascinating work by #ShaniOates on the revival of #NorsePaganism and #mythology, with a focus on #Odin and ancient #sacrificialrituals. The book explores human and animal sacrifices at sites like #Uppsala. I draw parallels across religions like the #Abrahamic faiths, #Vedic traditions, and #ancientEgypt. Odin's self-sacrifice to gain secret #runic knowledge is analyzed, with references to the #Sumerian goddess #Inanna's suspension from an iron hook. An intriguing look at the reconstruction of these ancient practices.

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#booktube #books #norsemythology #paganism #occult #religion #sacrifice #hangedgod #hangedmantarot

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