listen to the last 2 minutes. this is why I don't shut up

3 months ago

because if I shut up I'm giving permission to those who want to do harm. whether it be to one person or to a whole nation full or those who have certain core beliefs if I don't speak up for them then that is allowing others to get away with it. if it is wrong and I say nothing I am just as guilty and I am giving them permission to take away my rights your rights and even those who aren't even here yet they will come into a world of no rights. we are all the creation of God. not the Creator as if we were God. that is the difference between the left and the right. we have certain core beliefs and we respect the fact that we are creation. the product of something more Superior and not the biggest one in charge. the left thinks the opposite and when they do the opposite because they think they can that is when you get chaos and pain and death. they are not a God or anyone's God not mine for sure. and I will not shut up. too many times I have gotten in trouble including write-ups threaten of being fired for speaking my opinions about the politics with others who agree or even disagree. it does not become a screaming match with those that disagree. I State my case and my last words are well I disagree because I've got the proof show me your proof. they never can. and others who may be listening in, sticking their nose where it don't belong, eavesdropping or even happen to overhear the conversation that they don't agree with feel like they have been slighted. they will proceed to report me to my massa... my boss. he's only the boss of me while I'm there for those 8 hours and if I happen to be asked something about how I feel about a common interest that we share, when I look you in the eye that's what I'm conversing with you as well. if I'm not looking at you don't look my way cuz the conversation it does not involve your input nor your opinion. you got an opinion? fine it's like an asshole everybody got one but they're all different. if you want to know my opinion then you ask me your damn self. cuz if you got the balls to do it but not ask it to someone who doesn't agree with you? tell me what are you fighting for? to be this stupid idiot. well you just won that prize you don't need to fight no more. you've proven it. if you don't like it you can walk through that damn door that you came in through. and that goes from many situations in my opinion. perfect example. I'm not trying to focus in on one nationality but it happens to be one that I see in my area where I live that I can bring to conclude my point. here in Arizona there are a lot more Mexicans or Hispanics then there are white people. that doesn't bother me. but when you come into my place of business where I work and you want to service such as I need to cash this check or I need to get gas or I need to buy this certain item and you see that red white and blue on this land you want to speak the corresponding language. that is English. if I go into Russia and I want to get a hamburger from McDonald's or their knockoff of McDonald's which actually taste better than McDonald's according to Tucker Carlson and a better price as well, I think I better have a clue as to how to speak the basics of the language. if I go into a small village in France and they don't speak English there because it's a small village and I don't speak their language, I don't think I'm going to be able to ask them for directions am I? why? because they're they speak the language of the nation in which they live. they're not expected to know English. I'm a visitor in their country. I'm not going to trance into their village waving the red white and blue singing Yankee Doodle dandy and go bitch why don't you speak English? not only will I get my ass kicked I'll get my ass kicked and be hungry by the end of it. now why is it that Hispanics whether they're Cuban Mexican whether they're from Germany from Russia I don't care where you're from why is it that you cannot assimilate to the place you plan on calling home? you struggled and risked your life and the lives of everyone you brought with you. you have separated yourself from those you love the places you are familiar and comfortable with to come here a strange Land where the laws are different the food is different the rules are different. yet you feel that because it's you you have the right to make me who is here first and made the laws made the food to bend over for you? you don't learn English cuz you don't want to. cuz you still have pride in your own home country. you don't fly the American flag you fly the Mexican flag or the Cuban flag or the flag of Venezuela and Che Guevara. well if you love it so much why the hell did you ever leave it? get the fuck out and go back to where you love it! you are not fully embracing my country it's laws it's people or its culture. if I were to immigrate to your country all of those things would be expected of me. and if I don't do them then I am shunned from society. we may be a nation of immigrants but damn it when my grandfather came here in 1913 escaping a World War he learned basic English so he could take care of least of himself and those he brought with him. help them survive. he didn't expect a handout nor did he ever receive one. he learned English he learned the laws he learned the rules of society and he kept within those parameters because he wanted freedom and he respected that this country would graciously take him in and give it to him. it's like life according to God. he gives you 10 rules that you must follow in order to make it to salvation and heaven for eternity. if you break those rules you will be judged upon your degree of breaking them. you're now in his house the big house. you left his small house on the property and came into the mansion. there are certain rules up in this mansion and if you break them you don't get in.

if you were going to walk fly sail over to our nation then you better play by the rules. and if you don't like them turn around and walk your happy ass back. this ain't the place for you. you are to assimilate to your new home because you are a guest here and we will only call you one when you embrace us all. if you want a new way you can have it but you have to play by the rules. stop flying your flags screaming for your home country cuz if you want it that bad go get the fuck out and go back to that country you love so much.
the border is not just a way to enter it's also a way to get the fuck out and never come back

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