i'm just trying to keep my peeps out of a psych ward is all

7 months ago

i don't wanna lose this curl
i quite obviously need to change the battery
what is the point in believing anything if you ain't passionate about it
yes i'm willing to die for what i believe in
i got standards way too high for most people to comprehend
nobody complains about extremists when they push an agenda
i've had a lotta time to think about this
maybe i'm a threat to them, i dunno
i understand why blacks would get offended about THAT one
change ain't a business at all
count your blessings not your problems, good church billboard right there
thanks for insulting me, you helped me grow as a person
never expect shit from other people regardless
imagine if my mental illness made these kinda demands on people
i stopped doin things that made me a burden on others
the world does not understand human emotions, go cry in a bathroom stall

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