The new merc in town! | FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADE Part 3

8 months ago

We're finally in the Sector 7 Slums, and we finally see the one and only Tifa Lockhart! More importantly, as Cloud is going to be in the slums for a bit, he may as well work as a merc. But how will Cloud get the word of a new merc across the slums?

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FROM THE FINAL FANTASY WIKI: Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade is an updated rerelease of Final Fantasy VII Remake (a partial remake of Final Fantasy VII). Announced at Sony Interactive Entertainment's February 25, 2021 "State of Play" digital livestream, Intergrade released on June 10, 2021, for PlayStation 5 consoles. A Microsoft Windows version was announced on December 9, 2021 during The Game Awards 2021, and released as an Epic Games Store exclusive on December 16, 2021, with a Steam release following on June 17, 2022. The game features various improvements and new bosses, as well as an additional episode focusing on Yuffie Kisaragi named Episode INTERmission.

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#MaxiePlaysRPGs #FinalFantasyVIIRemake #FinalFantasyVIIRemakeIntergrade

Originally uploaded on YouTube

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