Rigged Debate...

6 months ago

Today we provide information on dishonest efforts by the left to tarnish Justice Thomas. Please be familiar with this effort and pass it on to others who may not be aware it is happening.Also, in today’s newsletter learn about...Steve Bannon and why he is about to go to jail.blocking Biden’s unconstitutional pandering.where you can support education that makes a difference.the three simple promises we want from a politician.https://archive.is/e9ubj



A U.S. House of Representatives bipartisan legal group concluded on Tuesday that subpoenas issued by the January 6th committee were “illegitimate” as part of proceedings sought by its GOP members to keep Steve Bannon from reporting to jail next month


CNN is now threatening any social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNNCommentary on a presidential debate is the epitome of fair use and we fully intend to provide insight and real time fact checking Thursday LIVE


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