"J&J 3:6:9 Food Forest” - deer fence FINISHED!

7 months ago

Welcome again to 369 Soul Farm! Glorious success completing the food forest fence! Today the completed fence is shown with flags and all. The credit goes to the One True God, The Creator, even higher than the all seeing eye. Also, the problems are discussed with the completed product. When building a sovereign self-sustaining food source, we must thoroughly think through the protection needs. A wild agroforest needs protection in it’s first few years to ensure success of the endeavor. The wildlife can and will ravage the cultivars you spend time, and money putting in. So far, deer have been the main culprit destroying my first unfenced raspberry guild, and recently destroying about 5 sections of fence. I go over the random points to consider in this video along with some more random entertainment! Wild animals need to see something clearly to respect it’s power and so do human and other beings! Eohh what? Check out the goods! and remember, GROW YOUR SOUL!

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