🚨 Biden Admin Planning On Converting Our National Parks To Tent Illegals

3 months ago


Tucker Carlson Just Exposed They’re Building A New Bridge In The Darien Gap To Accelerate Mass Illegal Immigration Into America

Where could all the illegals end up? In our National Parks

🚨 Biden Admin Planning On Converting Our National Parks To Tent Illegals

“As if Biden's border crisis isn't bad enough, this administration is now seeking to convert our National Parks, America's most cherished natural treasures and historical sites, into tent cities for illegal aliens. Such actions not only debase our national heritage, but blatantly violate numerous federal statutes, including those governing management and protection of our national parks, NEPA and the Administrative Procedure Act.

How bad is this latest move to convert our national parks to ungovernable tent cities? While Wyoming's effort to prevent catastrophic wildfires destroying our national forests are met with intensive scrutiny from the unelected bureaucrats in this administration, president Biden is categorically exempting the housing of thousands of individuals in our national parks from any type of environmental review.

This double standard is indefensible, and the Biden min administration's refusal to engage with Congress on this bill only confirms that fact.

We need serious reforms to end the flood of illegal immigrants into our nation, not half measures that fail to correct the disaster of this administration's own making and endanger what is the very best idea America ever had. General Wood I urge my colleagues to protect our national parks by voting in favor of the bill. With that, I yield” - Wyoming Rep Harriet Hageman


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