Holy Week Redux

8 months ago

As an outdoor church, weather can prevent us from meeting. Since we missed Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday, we’re rolling them all into one service.

Before Passover, Jesus entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey colt. The people welcomed Him, waving palm branches and laying them on the road. Many of us are probably familiar with the imagery from Sunday school illustrations, but this method of entry had a deep significance. It fulfilled what was prophesied in Zechariah about how the Messiah, the promised King, would come. The day of his entry was also the day that the Israelites brought their perfect lambs for sacrifice.

Jesus knew that days later, He was going to the Cross. He was sacrificed as the Lamb of God for the sins of the world. He also knew that three days later, he would resurrect from the dead. And, He’s coming back again!

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