Stand with Israel

8 months ago

So that those of us who stand with Israel knows exactly what we are standing for.
The beginning is so barf ... but necessary. I sourced those soundbites specifically to hand it to Christians who have been brainwashed by Zionism through Scofield revisionist tripe . Remind them that Christ would find Zionism an abomination and never would condone what's happening now . Ironically I travelled through Israel in my youth . I hold dear memories of kind hearts and welcoming smiles . People were kind to me . I traveled through Hebron and it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen . The wine country of Palestine . I couldn't tell Jew apart from Arab because their dialect was so similar , as these families had been living together for hundreds of years . I spent a weekend in Gaza South . At that time it was a turnstile fence with a border check . However after the Dizengoff Blast ' which I was unfortunate to witness , things changed very quickly at that border post . I , for years understood the pain of Israeli's . I still do . But I'm now also much more wiser to the lies . The false premise of it's legitimacy . The lives destroyed since 1948 . As I gazed at videos coming out of Hebron a few months back , I wept . I did not weep because of the prison camp it's become , but because I felt shame for excusing Israel for far too long .
I used to say 'Israel has the right to exist" . Now I'm not so sure . Why ?! Because it cannot exist without destroying everything around it .

So watch the video to the end !!!

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