Lunchtime Chats episode 178: Awakening to Our True Desires

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Let's reiterate past lunchtime chats that women possess sacred stargates in their wombs, and portals that have the ability to birth new souls into the world from across the cosmos. We also must honor the role of men as providers of stable, consistent support as women journey through their cyclical hormonal journeys, aka interdimensional processes. It is important to remember the intrinsic value of both expressions and that we are all innately encoded to contribute positively to life, and living authentically from this core truth.

3:47 answer to question ‘do men have sacred stargate (womb space) to the divine like women’; reference to gender and race narratives; men’s connection to source is different; everything has its place, contributing; men and women’s benefit in each other’s presence; reference to hormones and the synergistic dynamic with male/female; parenthood and its role; reference to ovum allowing fertilization
24:58 reference to women choosing not to bear children and choosing their true desires; empty nesters and the choice to live differently; reflect on how many inspire you out of your social circle; reference to a quote about if there’s no one in your circle that inspires you, you are building a cage for yourself
30:30 collective waking up fast; importance of creating what you want, surrounding yourself with inspiration; we can set an example of living authentically; growing pains of the transition; consequence of a cosmic reset- invisible nesting dolls are shifting in a way that it can no longer support the inversions and distortions
38:13 reference to Julian Assange case
43:14 importance of standing for our truth and authentic nature as a service to humanity; lining up for your true desires; internal conflict exists when we’re not living our truth
50:07 unseen agreements that people play a role for the bigger picture
53:08 Christina’s account of a friend’s tribulations and synchronicities in intentions; keep going for what you want- you are creators
59:53 reference to a saying- what is you desire is already yours; the trivialization of deep spiritual thoughts

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