Luke Russert to Host MSNBC TDS Fest on September 7

7 months ago

Luke Russert has spent the past eight years or so trying to find himself and I am happy to report that he has finally found himself. In the TDS fever swamps of MSNBC. Yes, the former NBC correspondent, a post that he basically inherited, has returned from the wilds to host something called "MSNBC Live: Democracy 2024" on September 7. Whenever you combine the words "MSNBC" and "Democracy" in the middle of the 2024 election campaign and include over a dozen MSNBC anchors that is guaranteed to really mean it is a crazed TDS Fest.

As a reward for watching Morning Mika and Luke Fest hype their MSNBC TDS Fest, the DUmmie FUnnies will reward your patience at the tail end with a bonus video from Election Night 2008 when Brian Williams pulled a dirty but HILARIOUS trick on poor Luke Russert.

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