MK Ultra lover rap rock Crazy Town singer "Shifty Shellshock" has died and entered hell

8 months ago

Every time one of these "musicians" dies, people will get emotional so quickly because of whatever nostalgia (i.e. "oh, what a fun song") and they'll let their guard down and listen to the garbage music they heard again. Crazy Town was a one-hit wonder band from the very early 2000's and nothing but drugs and fights have happened since. Their one big song "Butterfly" is nothing but hot steaming garbage, but it's also a nod to MK Ultra (probably drugs, too). "Shifty Shellshock" was a sacrifice and is in hell right now, which is exactly where you will be if you do not turn from these idols who do nothing but lead you astray and deceive you (which is what the word "shifty" means). REPENT and turn to Jesus Christ TODAY! Jesus alone saves, not these disgusting smut peddlers.

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