WTFR Assange Release Wasn't Justice, It Was A Convenient Distraction 25-06-2024

8 months ago

Marty & I meandering around the subject of Assange's release, which in my opinion has zero to do with justice being served. A more likely scenario is that Mr Assange has been kept incarcerated until such time as his release benefits the criminal billionaire class by way of distraction from what the bastards are up to next. WE MUST KEEP OUR EYES PEELED FOR SEEMINGLY IRRELEVANT LITTLE LEGAL CHANGES HERE & THERE. If there was ever a perfect way for the elites to slip an evil, freedom destroying stroke of a pen under our radar, it would be through a distraction like Assange being released. The so called "troofers" will be cheering with glee as our children's rights are destroyed forever, because of "policy change."

I know I come across as a cynical bastard, I prefer to see myself as a realist. The only way someone can become as powerful as one of this world's billionaires, is by being a ruthless & cut-throat businessman/woman, who is prepared to destroy/kill someone else without batting an eyelid, in order to prosper. You then use your ill gotten gains to buy politicians of all stripes, to guarantee that no matter who your victims vote for, you always win, & get to destroy more lives.

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