Grounding (Earthing): For Optimal Health and Longevity!

7 months ago

Restore and maintain health by connecting to the earth! The simplicity of grounding or earthing by connecting to the earth with bare skin restores and maintains the body’s natural electrical state and is a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-aging modality.
People who have applied earthing into their lives feel, look, sleep better, and reduce pain.
Who would have thought that something so easy to implement, costs nothing, and is readily available to everyone could be this powerful?
Reducing pain and stress in the body by rebalancing its electrical state back to equilibrium?

00:00 Introduction
00:55 The Connection Between Our Body and the Electrical Earth
02:36 History
04:57 Our Modern World Influences Our Health
06:11 Connected to Nature
06:29 When and How to Ground
09:56 The Earthing Book
10:43 Earthing/Grounding Benefits

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