Following Christ Is Extremely Hard And This Is Why

8 months ago

🙏Radical Discipleship: Embracing the True Call to Follow Jesus

Let¡s face common misconceptions about following Jesus, emphasizing the profound and often difficult commitment it entails.

- Misconception about Acceptance: The speaker contrasts modern evangelistic approaches with Jesus' teachings. Instead of gentle invitations, Jesus issued stark challenges.

- The Reality of the Cross: Jesus’ command to "pick up your cross and follow me" was profoundly offensive to His audience. While the cross is a piece of jewelry to us, it was the most horrific execution device in history to them.

- Embracing Hardship: Jesus didn't sugarcoat the truth. He made it clear that following Him requires self-denial and facing hardships, which contrasts with the more comfortable versions of Christianity often presented today.

- The Promise of a Better Savior: Despite the difficulties, Jesus promises something far greater. He asserts that following Him, though challenging, leads to a deeply fulfilling and transformative life because He is a better savior.

- Testimonies of Believers: Those who follow Jesus often attest that while the journey is hard—dying to self and carrying one’s cross—it is immensely rewarding and good.
It challenges believers to reconsider the depth of their commitment to following Jesus and encourages them to find strength in the promise that Jesus is a better savior, making the hard path ultimately fulfilling and worthwhile

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