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Clif High - WTF? Eh? 7/15 - We'll Find Out Soon Enough.
Hello, humans. Hello, humans. Still the 25th of June. Hang on a second. I'll get the sound controlled here. It's hot. I had to have the windows down. There we go. Okay, so still the 25th of June. Heading back out. Many hours later. The other side of noon here. Okay, so... we have a bunch of data.
The data shows a big spike in emotional tension hitting us on the 15th, early in the morning on the 15th. It runs through all the whole day and it keeps building tension until about 1.15 in the morning on the 16th. Okay, so now These times and stuff,
all of the timing is all truly an artifact of the way that I have defined these words and their emotional impact on humans. So some words have an emotional impact that lasts three days. Some words have an emotional impact that lasts three weeks. Others have some that last three months, etc., etc.
And so that gives us the, um, the guistimate as to, uh, when and, and how long the, um, uh, tension values that are associated with that word would be impacting on humans. Right? So now our data on the 15th shows that it's very much, uh, USA centered. Okay.
So we have a lot more USA language than we do like, you know, uh, EU or, or individual countries in, in Europe, or, you know, even more than Israel. There's a lot, a lot of language now about Israel, as you can imagine. and it pretty much dominates at a geographic level.
But we don't have a whole lot of pointers to something on the 15th happening in a specific place. Now the RV guys, the remote viewing guys, Dick Allgaier's group, right? Future forecasting. I've worked with them. They're very accurate. Dick Allgaier scares the absolute crap out of me in terms of the
ability of stuff that he's able to, or his ability to pull stuff out of the ether. And so I have a tendency to take their descriptions as being very shading towards accurate, right? So always, always, you're going to interpret it. Your mind's going to interpret it ahead of the event.
And so you will put on stuff that will simply not manifest. Even if you get the majority of it, correct, right? It's just the way that our minds work, but the, uh, the future forecasting group, they've got a protocol they've got, um, you know, double blind kind of crud going on.
So there there's, you know, not a, really a chance for a lot of front loading, your mind before you do this and so the stuff that pops in does show up I mean statistically just in dealing with these guys it's very very accurate so alright so
from my viewpoint I get some level of confirmation in the details that the future forecasting guys have come up with that points towards a some of the linguistic stuff that I've got. Okay. So, so my linguistic stuff, I have to, I have to do it in kind of a binary fashion.
Is it this, or is it that, that kind of a deal, right? So you look at one aspect of it and you follow those cross links all the way down. And then you come back and you look at the other aspect, follow those cross links and, um, see where you're at.
Now I have data sets that show that this building tension, uh, will involve, um, Okay, so Okay, so I got a lot of language around UFOs for all of July and shading into August. It was pretty decent for June, but it really ramps up in July.
There is some suggestion in the data sets that what we're looking at for the event in July will have a UFO component, but there's this weird part of it, okay? The event that it's showing up in July has a bunch of sets that are associated with it about a questioning, okay? Not a debate.
Debating has a judge and rules and all of that, right? And what we're getting into is not an argument. It's not being defined that way. But we could look at it as a questioning, okay? A questioning of what had happened. So this is a way that it lays out in the data that there is an event,
some kind of a weirdness that occurs on the 15th. Now, my data sets are pegging it for the 15th. Could be on the 10th, could be on the 18th, right? The data sets themselves, the centric nature of the time being on the 15th is not an absolute.
The relationship between what happens on the 15th and what happens on the 16th is very solid, and so I expect that one would flow into the other, but it might happen, as I say, on the 10th, or it could happen on the 18th, that kind of thing, right? So timing is a real bitch in this.
However, okay, so there is this questioning. The description for the questioning comes down to basically describing a our situation of having had an event people having seen the event, as well as all kinds of crap in terms of, you know, satellites, cam phones, you know, security cams, cams on buses, maybe, I don't know where,
but it's saying that there is a ton of stuff capturing the event. So we record the absolute hell out of this, right? So whatever the event is, there is a... a capture to data component of it that makes the nature of the event having happened an absolute certainty. So we're not debating that.
We're not discussing or arguing whether the event occurred. We all acknowledge that it did occur, but that there is some level of discussion about what it was. Not in terms of, you know, was there an orca involved, or was there a moose involved, right? Not like that, because the recording of it will be able to say, well,
there was this there, this happened, this happened, and so on. But rather, what does it mean? Okay, so what does this mean for humans? And so that's what's coming across in, in relation to this event that I've got pegged on the 15th and the 16th. Now the data sets, if we, if we look at this numerically,
we're looking at a building tension value, and I'm just going to use round numbers. These are not the actual digits that I get because those would be meaningless to everybody else, but I just want to show a comparison here. Okay. And so we're going to say that over the course of the, The 15th,
from the morning of the 15th until around 1.15 in the morning on the 16th, so a little bit longer, so 25 hours and some odd minute kind of a thing. we have building tension. And then on the 16th, we have release tension. The building tension, if we say it went to 1,000,
then the release tension values only go back down about 600 or 700 out of that 1,000 to leave us with a residual of over 300 in a... a numeric value for this. Okay. So again, the values are just relative to each other. There's no definitive metric for the individual value itself, okay?
I'm just using these to get you an idea. So we have this residual that's about a third of the buildup. This residual carries forward from the 16th, and it keeps going all through the rest of the year because we get into more building tension, more release, building tension, and so on, right?
So it's a constant up and down, up and down, up and down kind of a thing. This is very unusual that we have a day on the 15th where building tension so dominates that it looks like a giant spike straight up. Because usually these things are very fuzzy. You know,
you got a little bit of building tension and a lot of release and then a little bit of building tension and a lot more release or the opposite. It just goes up and down, up and down all the time. This was a very unusual occurrence.
I've determined that it's not an artifact of the data, that is to say, or the data processing. So it's not a screw-up on the part of the processing. So it really is in the data. And it really does come across this way,
as a very large run-up and then a very large drop and then a residual that keeps on going. The data sets themselves... The actual sets of the language build over time from the 16th on, adding more and more language. A lot of this appears to be... As a result,
the gain of the language appears to be as a result of the discussions, not necessarily any kind of a resolution of those discussions, nor is there anything in the data sets yet far, yet this far, that would show that we have another occurrence or anything, right? So the fact that we're still discussing this months later,
so we'll still be discussing this in December, even though it happens in July. Five months later, we'll still be working through this, and we'll still be discussing this business in 2025. The sets that are involved in those discussions build over time, so apparently we really get into this.
It's intriguing enough at whatever a level that it starts involving more and more minds out of humanity. And so there is a... hint in the data that we will have about 10% of humanity involved in thinking about this, dealing with it, reacting to it, or whatever, by the end of the year.
There's also stuff in the data that suggests we're going to get a A formal response, you know, in the sense of like officialdom that will decide, okay, you know, we're going to hire people and pay them to think about this, whatever the fuck it is, right? And the data is just too diverse, too crammed.
with all of the anxiety and the worries and the fears, et cetera, that have been put out on us by the Elohim worship cult for me to be able to filter through it to get a better idea of what's coming. So it is my supposition that if we didn't,
if we weren't being worked over by the fear porn coming out of the rabbinical councils all over the planet, if we weren't being pushed on by the linguistically, by the fears and the anxiety and all of this kind of horseshit from the Jewish community,
that it would be easier to do this work and I'd be able to get more out of it because I wouldn't have so much fluff in the way, wouldn't have so much foam out there, right? Useless, not really factual or not really developing kind of fears that are put on us by the rabbinical councils.
They design them, they craft them, they put it out there. Just like the Department of Defense put out the flat earth meme back in the year 2000. And then really pushed it with money all the way up through 2004. So we have the event. It keeps growing in terms of its impact on humanity.
More and more people start watching. becoming intrigued by it or aware of it or whatever, and it grows over time. There's a lot about the event itself that's completely hidden from us, okay, that we won't see, that isn't visible to us. A lot of those sets that have obscured or hidden or references to a hidden function
or hidden aspect of this also have either directly held or via cross links, lots of UFO references. So it's my supposition that there's going to be some hidden level or not discussed or invisible component of this that will involve the UFOs. Now, the interesting part about this, though,
is that even though it's being described as being hidden and invisible, we're going to know about it. All right. So even though we won't see the UFO necessarily, we will in some way know it was there. So I'm suspecting, you know, satellite cameras or, you know, whatever, right? Catches on somebody's, you know, doorbell cam or something.
Who the hell? You know, we just don't know how it's going to develop. But the data sets are very clear that it is unseen, but it is known. It's... invisible. We could not look at it and see it, yet we have all this information about it.
So very much a real strangeness here in terms of the particulars within the data sets. And it'll be very interesting to see what actually manifests, if anything, on the 15th. Now, I say if anything, but I'm actually pretty calm about the idea that there will be something just because of the way
that the data lays out and the weirdness of the particular point where we're at right now. You know, Julian Assange being released is going to whip up all kinds of stuff that'll build over the course of the month and you know, And we've got all this other bullshit going and, you know,
the degradation of the money and the degradation of the Biden regime and so on and so on. So it will be an event filled time. This much is pretty certain. The data is just pointing to an event that is, at this stage anyway, while the event itself is predictable, the component, the aspects,
the attributes of it are not. You know, we just know approximately when it'll appear. and approximately the emotional impact value it will have and the duration from that. And then quite literally tens of thousands of words about, uh, what may be involved in the event. So, um, so it's, it's, um, really a strange fucking time guys. Um,
If I had any more information about what might occur, I'd let you know. So the remote viewing guys show some kind of an object falling. Maybe it's a missile or a rocket. So maybe it's like, you know, a SpaceX rocket breaks up and, you know, falls down and hits a McDonald's and whatever.
Florida or something all right so they're showing a crash you know smoke coming up the silhouette of a city and so on and I suspect that those things actually will manifest and we'll get a good visual that looks just like that because of the
nature of the skills of the RV group right and so I do suspect that there will be an event and it will be at least spectacular enough to get our attention at the time that it occurs or very shortly thereafter. Now, I got another damn detour. It's terrible when they destroy the roads out here. You know,
it's a 70 mile trip and I don't need to add another 30 miles because of their damn detours, right? Just because they're taking culverts up so that, you know, orca can swim inland and eat salmon. I don't know what their rationale is. It's bullshit anyway.
put on them by the Elohim worship cult and their insistence that we have climate and ecological crises. Where was I there? Okay, so our emergence into this new situation post-event is a lot more described in terms of the emotional impacts than I get around the event itself.
So that is also a little bit atypical in terms of the way that the programming usually rolls out the data for me. I still have some of these data sets to process. I think there's maybe about three quarters of a terabyte. And I'll set off another round of processing when I get back here.
But it'll be days before that gets done. I've got all different kinds of stuff to do. The machines out there have to be put to other uses. So I can't use them as processing servers for a couple of days. I've got to do some other work on them and so on. So it'll be a while.
And maybe I'll do another one of these in a week or two and say, okay, this is what I've come across. Or maybe I'll write something up about it. I don't expect that it'll change much. There may be some level of
clarification in some of the data sets, but even that it's, it's, um, you know, I'm not expecting that. So it's just the, uh, state of where we're at here. The further we get into the data processing without, uh, major alterations, the more it hesitancy to just keep piling on, so to speak. All right.
So there's that now given the, um, the nature of what the RV guys have come up with, it seems less likely, uh, that we're dealing with a strictly financial event. Okay. On the 15th and the 16th, because the, uh, Dick Allgaier's group are, are, you know, showing this missile or whatever, falling down some explosion,
big smoke and that kind of stuff rolling over the city, you know, mile long column of smoke in the air, that sort of a thing. Right. Um, and of course they don't have a, a geographic location for it either so that part didn't aid us anything in that
regard but um the all right so this is this is It's sort of a weird way to say this, but the nature of the RV stuff, the remote viewing that Dick Allgaier's group has produced, has led me to think that, okay, it's not going to be a strictly financial event,
that there will be some level of physical motion kinetic activity that's associated with this. Now, that does not mean that there won't be a financial event, It just means that this financial event will not be, uh, be, be it 100%. It won't be, um, the end all and be all of this particular building tension.
And, and this is, um, Reasonable for me. Okay, so so this makes sense to me because Financial stuff no matter how fast it happens is not going to have the same emotional impact that we have with something that's kinetic like you know a missile falling or you know a rocket coming out of the sky
something like that that's going to cause all kinds of emotional impact that you're just not going to get with the financial stuff and so the building tension and the in the remainder, the release language only going back to and leaving us with the remainder there. All of this makes sense if it's not a financial event, right?
If it's bigger than that. And so that hesitancy to reinforce the fact that the RV guys got the signs of a kinetic activity hesitancy to reinforce in my mind that we're not dealing with a strictly financial event. Although there are all kinds of sets about a very terrible financial,
or a series of financial events between now and then. That was another aspect of this. Ah, crud. Pilot cars, you know, road closed up here, all of that kind of stuff. Lots of traffic too. Tourists everywhere. Okay, so if we had had strictly financial event,
we would not have had the building tension nor the release in this manner, in the way that we've got it at the moment. And so I suspect that the kinetic event is going to propel that, but that it's going to overlay or drape over, perhaps even pause, everybody's anxiety about the financial crap. So we have a big
financial crash or there's a, you know, I'm expecting a stock market absolute puke out and it's going to hit bonds. It's going to hit all the 401ks are going to take a giant hit, all of this kind of shit, right? Because the money management is just going to go bluey, just going to,
the guys that are managing the currency are just not able to maintain anything going forward. And we're going to see a lot of these activities over June in the first part of July. this was another thing that made me think that that whatever happens on the 15th is
not financial because we'd had a bunch of financial stuff show up, uh, indicating it's going to appear earlier in the month. And then that's really about it. I think that's about all I can say about the, uh, event on the 15th and, uh, the release on the 16th. Um, Okay,
so there is a tendency after the 16th for more and more people to examine the event, get intrigued by it, and keep pursuing it. And such that we end up with a large segment of the population of the planet being actively involved, at least in terms of thinking about it, discussing it, and so on,
five and six and seven months later. And that that keeps growing over time. again, not, you know, I mean, yeah, the financial stuff will do that. But, uh, at one point, once the dollar reaches a certain threshold, I'm willing, I would say that it'd be much more likely that a third of humanity would be aware
of what's going on, right? That it would impact a third of humanity when the dollar dies, like right away that day kind of a thing, right? As opposed to this, a tenth of humanity being whipped up about this particular event. Again, whatever the nature of it. I think that's about it, guys.
I think that's about as much as I've got. I provide further details in terms of the language as I get into it. I don't think it's going to be particularly meaningful or give us any kind of a different view in terms of a heads-up or any actionable language.
So we're just going to basically have to go through these next couple of weeks of political and financial issues Uproar and chaos and so on, because bear in mind the Julian Assange stuff will impact banks, right? It'll do so because of the showing how dirty all of the bank owners and the Federal Reserve and all of that,
how dirty all of that is. And that's going to also muddy up everybody's feelings and emotions about the money as it is dying. I guess that's it. Okay, and I'll talk to you later. I got to go and do all my chores now.
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WTF? Eh? 7/15 - We'll Find Out Soon Enough...Explorers' Guide To Scifi World - Clif High
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