Agorism, Counter Economics, Left Market Anarchism [2] // Reboot

8 months ago

***UPDATE: Interview with Agorist >>>


***EXCLUSIVE 4 RUMBLE*** /// Filmed in March 2022 /// DISCLAIMER: Although I am strict Straight Edge (, I am an advocate of Cannabis and Coca derivatives decriminalization on Libertarian and Biblical grounds (Genesis 1:29) ///

"Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." /// GEN 1:29 ///

Exegesis: Not every seed-bearing plant can be used for food. Some non-edible seed-bearing plants can be used for medicine or to relive pain (Medical Cannabis). "Cocaine" is NOT the only Coca plant derivative or application. In the Inca Civilization peasants chewed Coca leaves as an analgesic and nerve tonic. The original recipe for Coca-Cola included a Coca plant derivative mixed with soda water and sweet corn syrup. My choice to *Not* use Cannabis and/or Coca derivatives can only affect me and cannot affect others. Each person must decide for themselves.

I am a former client and supporter of Narcotics Anonymous.

***Narcotics Anonymous probably does not share the viewpoint of Cannabis / Coca derivative decriminalization ***


Despite inflation – Swedish [illegal] drug prices at record lows (April 2024)>>>


Christian Agorist Project: @agoristproject8378


We can no longer attack subsidies for the poor while supporting even greater subsidies for the rich.

We can no longer speak of protecting freedom in the world by turning the world into protective hamlets. We can no longer oppose tyranny by emulating it.

We cannot speak of individual freedom and free communities, self-reliance and self-responsibility, while honoring the assembly line, promoting urban demolition, and making fetish of commodities. We cannot speak of honest work while honest working people are alienated from the work and treated as mere extensions of their machines.

We cannot attack the abuses of arrogant and bureaucratic labor leaders without attacking the abuses of arrogant and bureaucratic industrial and business leaders.

We cannot speak of a land of liberty and a national-security state in the same breath — we must defend freedom at home if we are ever to have freedom in the world.

We cannot speak of a sweet land of liberty when the very land is soured by greed of those who turn the landscape into real estate, who turn the rivers into open sewers, who see in every living thing nothing but a dollar in the process.” –Karl Hess, Dear America, 1975.

Market Anarchist FAQ >>>


Repression in the name of "Liberty":

Argentina’s Milei launches assault on workers after pushing through sweeping legislation >>>

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