The European Discovery of "America" (1000 A.D.) // Reboot

7 months ago

*** EXCLUSIVE 4 RUMBLE *** /// DICLAIMER: Native Americans object that both "Indian" and "skrälingar" are innacurate descriptors and potentially offensive. ///

"Leiv Eiriksson Discovering America" 1893 painting by Christian Krohg (1852-1925). The National Gallery Oslo, Norge >>>

"Leiv Eiriksson Discovers America O Vaering" painting by Hans Dahl (1849-1937) *** PRINT FOR SALE ***>>>


500 years ago: Pope gives permission to conquer Indigenous people

Sublimis Deus (Papal Bull, 1537)

*** After 1537 Native Americans could not be enslaved, but they could still be used as indentured servants in Encomiendas. In the Sacro Imperio Español colonies, Native Americans who did not convert to Catholicism were considered to be "wild animals". Unfortunately, the prohibition on the enslavement of Native Americans created a market for the African slave trade.


Vikingarna seglar till Grönland och Nordamerika >>>

Första kontakten mellan "vikingar" och "indianer" (skrälingar): "På återvägen mot sitt huvudläger fann de en udde som Torvald tyckte om. Här ville han bygga sitt hus, sa han. I detsamma fick några ur besättningen syn på tre underliga klumpar på motsatta sidan av en vik. När de tagit sig dit för att undersöka saken, upptäckte nordborna att det låg tre små båtar på sanden. Och under varje båt låg tre män! Det var det första kända mötet mellan Nordamerikas urinvånare och människor från Europa. Som en fingervisning om vad som sedan skulle följa dödades åtta av de nio, och den siste flydde i sin båt. Nyheten om inkräktarna måste ha väckt en väldig uppståndelse. Inom kort angreps Torvalds expedition "av en oräknelig mängd småbåtar" fulla med 'skrälingar'. Så kallade vikingarna Amerikas urinvånare."

First contact between "Vikings" and "Indians" (skrälingar): "On the way back to their main camp, they found a promontory that Torvald liked. 'He wanted to build his house here,' he said. Just then, some of the crew spotted three strange lumps on the other side of a bay. When they went to investigate, the Northmen found three small boats lying on the sand. And under each boat were three men! This was the first known encounter between North American natives (skrälingar) and Scandinavians from Europe. As an indication of what was to follow, eight of the nine were killed, and the last fled in his boat. The news of the invaders must have caused a great stir. Soon Torvald's expedition was attacked 'by an innumerable number of small boats' full of 'skrälingar'. That is what the natives of America were called by the Northmen."

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