we will never rid ourselves of repetition no matter how interesting we think we are

8 months ago

i reckon you just won't work for what chu want
back in the day i didn't do this sorta thing n i was miserable
too cowardice to just end it
musical confessional, the way i used to live
everything has consequences, FACTS
doin the right thing won't mean you will prosper
being right doesn't make shit easier
just be happy that you are doing the right thing
be grateful that you have information they don't have, just walk away they won't listen to you anyway
of course the tv tells em what to eat
take that fucking shot (booze not v)
always be a good example of what chu want from the world
everything is $ these days
more females in congress? no thankyou
donald trump will be the last button i hit in 2020, never again
they will choose swine every. time
i swear they cloned his ass
maga heads are totally delusional
they just love their bullshit too much
former delusion: ag thinking she can have a boyfriend
example after example of cognitive dissonance
the mental illness problem has been exacerbated by the internet
the people of the world wanna keep trusting it
they still trust the same doctors
if they ain't brainwashed they're fuckin psychopaths
schizo privilege, who knew
i don't blame you for leaving
why would i go back to the same place that i hate so i can keep bitching about it
united states of dumb fuck
every 5min our ancestors turn in their graves over sumin else
most of these mfs that do cool shit are in the shadows
don't tell your friends about me, they won't get me
any women that like me probably also hate women
everywhere you go there are overly sensitive candyasses

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