On Terror Tunnels Hezbollah Gaza Egypt Iran Russia Resistance Rape BLM UAE Saudi Arabia - videos 37

2 months ago

Latest news on terror tunnels, Egyptian involvement, US, Hezbollah, Houtis, Woke, Russia, NATO, Saudis, Lebanon, etc - and what does it all mean?
The Syrian philosopher is called Sadiq alAzm.
The South African MP's name is Andile Mngxitama (here the link to his hate speech https://twitter.com/iamyesyouareno/status/1805681515596021872?s=19)
I of course never mention everything that's going on because that's impossible! My videos would last for hours. Like the captive exchange between Russia & Ukraine.. So much is going on in our crazy world.. I only can give you the pieces like CCP, left wing ideology, PLO, Iran etc but you have to connect them yourself - then you understand why I use this thumbnail..

Hezbollah tunnels
Article about underground warfare https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2019/02/26/the-subterranean-battlefield-warfare-is-going-underground-into-dark-tight-spaces/

Russian ambassador to the UN https://x.com/BefreeNurit/status/1805630170356646115?s=09

Quatar follow the money https://www.youtube.com/live/T5t8zg5oLt4?si=EYAjCy9IKL1tHhIG

Link to The Times of the Death Cult
Link to my YouTube channel where you can find videos on many topics I've spoken about in this video https://m.youtube.com/@Nurit-wg1pr
Weird views on history & the present https://vk.com/wall382035055_25431

A very important interview with Luai Ahmed on Brainwashing, Deradicalisation, Houtis, Middle East, West https://youtu.be/Kid2jf9k5HU?si=gzouUI9CmDUfgQoN

On Hezbollah & PLO background, Iran - and Israel. A good piece of information! https://youtu.be/Q80o0KJpyoQ?si=6r9rtAF2J9BOtHGT

Working on a Peace Plan WITHOUT including Israel !!!!!! Is like working on a peace plan without including Russia. https://www.thenationalnews.com/news/2024/06/25/eu-seeks-arab-partners-for-peace-in-gaza-to-avoid-a-new-somalia/

Terror & Corruption - the truth about the "Palestinian" bosses, a documentary https://youtu.be/7ttjyGrcz8Y?si=BizQb-MDdqeTa-ZP

There is something called Electronic Intefada which means attacking Israel and possible anti-Islamist institutions or activists by hacking, viruses, blocking. This piece of information comes from The Common Denominator:
PSA: Please recognize that we are posting the following as *information*.
It is offered neither as fact nor as fiction - but rather as *information* for you to utilize.

*Israel’s Channel 12 Report:*

“On the night of October 6th, a malfunction occurred in the technological system of Unit 8200, which is supposed to provide effective information indicating Hamas's intentions. The malfunction was fixed early in the morning, but by then, Hamas terrorists were already advancing towards Israel. A senior officer in Military Intelligence said, "This could have prevented the security breach."


- October 6th, 11:00 PM: Seven and a half hours before the attack, a malfunction occurs in Unit 8200's system, which is supposed to deliver crucial information about Hamas. The system shuts down, and no data can be retrieved. Such malfunctions happen occasionally, but this was an unusual time, and everyone was eager for the critical information expected from Unit 8200’s system.

- Response: Soldiers specializing in fixing such malfunctions were called in from home. A senior officer in Military Intelligence claimed they were summoned immediately, but another intelligence source stated they arrived only after 3:00 AM. They managed to restore the system by 5:00 AM, just an hour and a half before the attack began. By the time the system could retrieve real-time data and restore previous information, the attack had already started.

- Internal Investigations: In internal investigations conducted after the incursion, the commander of Unit 8200 reported that the malfunction was communicated to the head of Military Intelligence, Aharon Haliva, the Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, and the head of Shin Bet, Ronen Bar. However, a senior intelligence officer claimed he was not informed that the system was down.

- Former Intelligence Senior Source: A former senior intelligence source told us, "If the system had been working during those hours, it is highly likely that significant information would have emerged, altering the intelligence picture. There were Israeli signals in Gaza and indicative signs, but there was no supporting intelligence."

- Intelligence Assumption: "If this system was operational and no information was coming from it, it would weaken the assumption of an invasion plan. However, since the system was down, the intelligence assumption should have been more severe."

- Critical Questions: Did the Chief of Staff and the head of Shin Bet realize during the night that such a critical intelligence tool was not operational? Did they factor this into their decision-making?

IDF Spokesperson's Response:

_"The IDF is currently in the midst of investigating the events of October 7th and the preceding period. The claims made in the report are being examined as part of these investigations. Upon completion, the findings will be presented to the public transparently."

Ilana Rachel Daniel
The Common Denominator
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