Gov. Newsom State of the State Address. One of the Biggest Crocks of BS I Ever Heard...6-25-2024

8 months ago

Gov. Newsom State of the State Address. One of the Biggest Crocks of Shit I ever heard...6-25-2024
Governor Newsom Delivers 2024 State of the State Address
12,096 views (An Insanely Low Number of Viewers) June 25, 2024
California Governor Gavin Newsom
Newsom Compares Conservatives and Patriots With WW2 Italian Fascists
Citing CA Gov. Olson in a Jan. 2, 1939 Speech calling for America to Defend Democracy and Civil Liberties.
(Notice that he chose to Denounce Fascists and Not COMMUNISTS)
The Most Ironic Thing Of All is that the Conservatives and Patriots he is Calling Fascist are the very ones who Represent the American Values and Beliefs held by Americans in 1939...
One Term Atheist CA Gov. Culbert Levy Olson. (1939-43) When the judge asked him to place his hand on the Bible to be sworn in, he refused and kept his left hand in his pocket while he raised his right.
Olson was inaugurated as California's twenty-ninth executive on January 2, 1939, and was the first Democrat to serve as governor of California in 40 years. 
(Notice how the Office of Governor was Called an EXECUTIVE, because States are Corporations)
(Olson was a GLOBALIST)
He was one of the signatories of the agreement to convene a convention for drafting a world constitution.[11][12] As a result, for the first time in human history, a World Constituent Assembly convened to draft and adopt the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.[13]
(While Newsom attacks and Vilifies Conservatives and Patriots, the CA Governor he referenced believed that Political Disagreement was a Natural Aspect of Democracy)
From Inaugural Speech:
Culbert Olson 29th Governor, Democrat 1939–1943
Delivered: January 2, 1939
***I respect honest differences of philosophy and viewpoint on public policies. Marked differences in partisan opinion, for the most part, arise out of differences in understanding our common problems and the methods necessary to meet them through government. These are but the natural and healthy attributes of a functioning democracy.***
(Olson also understood the Simple Fact that America is a REPUBLIC, Not a Democracy.)
Every person in California, regardless of party, color, creed or station in life, must know that, not only am I without prejudice, but I regard it as my sacred duty, under the oath I have taken today, to protect every person's civil liberties, and equality before the law, with every power at my command. These are precious rights. The founders of our republic and the preservers of the Union made supreme sacrifices for these rights. They are the very cornerstone of our democracy.
As we witness destruction of democracy elsewhere in the world, accompanied by denial of civil liberties and inhuman persecutions, under the rule of despots and dictators, so extreme as to shock the moral sense of mankind, it seems appropriate that we Californians, on this occasion, should announce to the world that despotism shall not take root in our State; that the preservation of our American civil liberties and democratic institutions shall be the first duty and firm determination of our government.
(Olson would probably turn over in his grave if he knew that a CA Democrat Governor was the living embodiment of Anti-American Tyranny.
I believe that Anyone from 1939 would be SHOCKED at the modern day Unsustainable Wokeness pushed in the Name of Liberalism and Social Justice)
We are a long, long way from the goal of social justice. We have yet failed to solve the question of distribution that attends our newly developed productive skills and capacities. This failure has plunged us into hard times and depressionùthe longest and most persistent in modern times.
(Sorry Sparky. It was the Bankers that caused the Depression)
But with all of our seeming failure; with all our difficulties and economic mal-adjustments; despite the puzzling paradox of unemployment and poverty in the midst of potential plenty, every right-thinking citizen, native or foreign born, regards his American citizenship as his most precious possession. He knows that it is a part of the sovereign power of the people to guide their own destinies.
(I doubt there are ANY Americans left who feel that way now. If anything, the Evil Committed by our Genocidal Government is a cause of Disgust and Embarrassment. And the People Have LOST Their Sovereign Powers.)
Confronted by economic and social crisis, are we going to move forward toward the destiny of true democracy, or slide backward toward the abyss of regimented dictatorship?
(Yeah. No. Sorry again Sparky. But it was the Liberal Policies Pushed by Democrats that has Sold us out to a Totalitarian Government. Wokism is a Greater Threat to We The People than Fascists, Nazis and Communists Combined)
See the Full Speech for more.
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