Prophet Julie Green - Your Enemies in DC Are About to Have the Tables Turned on Them - Captions

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In this prophecy, God declares that the tables are about to be turned on the enemies in DC. He warns that their defeat and removal from power is imminent, and that their crimes and treachery will be exposed on a massive scale. God reassures his children that he is with them and that their victory is assured, as the blood of Jesus will always destroy the power of their enemies. The prophecy also hints at specific events and individuals that will be exposed and brought down, ultimately leading to the downfall of those who have committed treason and oppression.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Today’s Scriptures:

Gal. 6:7
Ps. 105:24
Eph. 6:10
Phil. 4:13
Hag. 2:9
Ps. 112:4, 6-8, 10
Ps. 33:10
Ps. 78:41-42
Ex. 3:7
Prov. 18:10
Prov. 3:5-6
Eph. 1:21-23
Ps. 113:4
Ps. 111:1-10
Prov. 29:2, 4, 16
Ps. 9:1-20
Ps. 89:14
Ps. 97:2
John 17:16
John 15:26
John 8:32
Matt. 11:28
2 Tim. 1:7

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COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


Good morning, everybody. Today is Tuesday and it's June 4th of 2024. I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show. I do have a few announcements about this week about this upcoming event that we have this weekend, and of course the live streaming and or pre records I'll be having for you this week in the days that I will not.

Okay. So again, I have all of my team traveling with me. So I will pre record for you on Thursday. So you will have a Thursday show, but it will not be live. Okay. So I do apologize. You will not have the live chat on Thursday, but I will be giving out a word for you. So you will see me on Thursday. It'll just be a pre record because all my team will be traveling to Des Moines for the event.

And then Friday we will not have any pre record or live show that morning. We will start live streaming and I want everybody to pay attention. I will be saying this again at the end of the show, just so you guys know we are only going live on rumble. So those who watch on X, those who watch on Facebook, we only can go live on rumble.

Okay. So that's the only place where you can watch it. Okay. The team will, I will have them share out all the links. It will start, the live show will start 15 minutes before the event on Friday. The event starts at 6, 6 p. m. central time. And so the live stream will begin at 5 45 p. m. central time. So and I do have a few announcements for those who are going, because it's important for you guys to know exactly what to do.

So again, rumble. Will only be live streamed. It will only be live stream on rumble this friday saturday and sunday each day we will have a new stream. So check the julie green or the julie green ministries Rumble channel every day will be a new stream. The stream will start 15 minutes before and then people are asking But there's no registration required for the live stream.

We don't charge for the live stream. So you can watch freely just like you do with us every single day. We don't charge for that. And we never will. And then it's, so it's free to view. And then there are different entrances to the Iowa event center. So those of you who are coming there's one side of the event is Hy Vee Hall.

We are in Hy Vee Hall C. It's on level two. So write this down. We are in Hy Vee Hall level C and it's the entrance is on level two. So if you guys want any more of this information, I'm pretty sure we have this on our events page. You do have to have your ticket to enter. You can have it on your, you print it out.

You can have it on your phone either way. Each day make sure you have that and if you don't if you lose it our team will be there to help you. So just let you know I'm, so excited to see each and every one of you, for this event I know that god is doing something so amazing for each and every one of you.

I can feel it in my bones I know he's doing something and i'm so excited to be with each and every one of you Who are coming and all of you who are joining us? Online. So again, it's only on rumble. I just found that out myself. So, I, I would have mentioned it before to you. So I do apologize that I have not mentioned it sooner, but I don't, I don't take care of all that stuff.

That's why I have an awesome and wonderful team to do that for me. Okay. So also I want to show you something. Remember how God has been talking about, there'd be chaos in the streets and the enemies will be turning on each other. Well, I've been sent this video and other videos several different times in the last 24 hours So I wanted to share this with you because it's really important you have in philadelphia.

I don't know if it was over the weekend you have two groups again That were supposed to be on the same side who are actually Turning on each other. This is what god has been talking about. And so i'm going to share my screen with you here I'm going to share this very short clip with you

So here it is.

I'm going to turn the sound off just in case there is swearing. So look at this. This is a pro Palestinian group and they were protesting and there was also the LGBTQ or whatever they're called. That was also because it's pride, the pride parade. And so as you can see, they were fighting one another. So it just, this massive fight broke out and these two groups, the pro Palestinian and then a pride group fought each other and it was like chaos in the streets.

Again, this is exactly what God has been talking about was going to happen. Our enemies are going to turn on each other. So they are trying to cause uprisings. They were trying to cause people to go on one side and another. But again, I will have to tell those people who are pro Palestinian that are, you know, part of the LGBTQ group.

I will tell you that if you ever went over to those nations, they, they will kill people like that. So unfortunately people don't know that and so they're thinking that Palestinians would stick up for the people in that community and they would not They do not agree with that. It's against our culture.

It's against our religion and they would kill people like that So again, you have two groups right now colliding. It doesn't work And so the enemies we're going to start seeing more of this start to intensify And yes, I know a lot of people were talking to me about what happened with bouchy I did not see it, but I did hear that he was squirming in his chair because he is being exposed for the person he is and I told you yesterday Before I started the live show or when I was the beginning of the live show That he was talking about how he just made that some of the stuff up by the six feet apart And masks and all you know to add the social distancing with the kids and being out of school all that stuff He made all that up So again, this is something that the enemies are being exposed for every lie will be revealed.

God's been talking about it And so get your popcorn and get ready for the show because I think we're going to start seeing More and more and more things like this come out in the open. So, this prophetic word And it goes along with basically what the lord was saying, in this prophetic word i'm going to give out today And this was from May 29th, May 29th.

And this prophecy is called your enemies in DC are about to have the tables turn on them. So your enemies in DC are about to have the tables Turned on them. I will explain more what this means here after this prophetic word is over The Lord was showing me all these different scriptures, about it. So I will show you after I read this All right, first paragraph: My children I have told you before the handwriting is on the wall for your enemy's defeat their removals and their coming haman's reward for their plans oppression slavery Bondage including all the damage they have done against you and this world.

The evil crimes they brought, sorry, the evil they brought, the crimes they committed, and the darkness they tried to use to take down this world. The handwriting is on the wall, and it's mine, and it says to your enemies, Your defeat is coming. Enemies of Almighty God, you can't stop it because you can't stop me.

Let my nations go. They are mine, not yours. Let my people go. They are not your slaves. They are my children. The price has already been paid for them with the blood of my son. You lose. My children win because I Am with them. Give up now. You may have heard about the plagues of Egypt. You may have thought these were just a myth or a fairy tale, but what is coming against you is far worse.

You will know that I Am the one true God and I Am against you, saith the Lord of hosts.

Carter Page. This name will be in the news for a shocking reason. Another foreign leader will die. I told you more are being judged.

Something has been hidden in Africa the globalists did not want you to know about, and this is about to be revealed. The oil industry is about to be shaken. Coal will also be in your news for a shocking reason.

Some of your government leaders have been missing from the spotlight. There is a reason some are no longer there and proof will be revealed on a scale no one thought possible. I told you a shaking has taken place even when you didn't understand it at the time.

Another assassination attempt will be stopped. Washington isn't that smart. Their desperation is growing. I told you they will make mistakes, and this will, this mistake will be one of their biggest. They will be caught in the act. Will also be brought down and none of them will be left standing. Someone is about to turn on Merrick Garland.

Christopher Wray is also about to be exposed in a major way. They can no longer stay in their positions they killed for

January 6th computer that no one in the public knew Was missing has the blueprints and emails and proof of every person that was a part of that day, To bring down a sitting president and take over a nation This computer is about to be in the spotlight. There is more than just one That was taken that day that will tear apart this establishment.

Your enemies in DC are about to have the tables turned on them. They'll be the ones interrogated, arrested, removed from their positions with force. They will be humiliated. They'll be proven to be liars and traitors and have committed treason on a massive scale. Everything they have done they have blamed someone else for those crimes It'll be shown and proven who is the guilty party this truth and the proof of all is about to rock This nation to its core.

That's why the enemies are doing what they are doing Against you. It's why it's so obvious they will stop at nothing to stop all of this from destroying their power against you. But they can't. The writing is on the wall for their defeat.

Nothing can change that is written in the blood that has been paid for. Your freedoms and that blood will be honored. The blood of Jesus will always destroy your enemy's power. My children, it is written: I Am your victory. I Am Jehovah Nissi and I'm about to show the world it's me. It's not your enemies who are in control.

So my children start to rejoice. Your enemies are about to fall on their face, because I Am showing them their place, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer. So again, one of the things I want to reveal to you, we went over the scripture yesterday. In this time of all the things that we're starting to see go exactly the way that God said it was going to go.

I just showed you about one of the things that God talked about, chaos in the streets. That was one part of a prophecy. He's given many about chaos in the streets. He's also given many about them turning on each other and we just seen two worlds collide and we are about to see and again We saw what happened with the exposure of Fauci yesterday and that will continue to grow So as we're seeing this we're seeing our enemies start to shake starting to become desperate God's saying the tables are being turned on them because it says in God's Word in Galatians 6 In verse seven, Galatians six and verse seven says, do not be deceived.

God is not mocked for whatever a man sows that he will also reap. If they sow corruption, they will receive destruction. If they sow corruption, They will receive destruction. If they sow death, if they sow, like, evil, what is going to happen again to them? It's like what God's been talking about, about that Haman's reward.

Haman wanted to destroy Mordecai and kill him with the gallows that Haman built. To destroy Mordecai and make an example of Mordecai because Mordecai, who was Esther's uncle, was defiant against Haman. He refused to bow. He refused to worship him. He refused to respect him whatsoever. He was not ever going to do that, because just like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, they wouldn't bow to King Nebuchadnezzar, and Mordecai had the same type of boldness in him that he was not gonna bow to Haman.

Well, Haman wanted to kill Mordecai and make an example of him, and then also kill all the Jews. Well, instead of Mordecai dying, instead of the Jews dying, he was turned back to Haman, and Haman was killed on the same gallows that he built. That is why God keeps talking about the Haman's reward. We're starting to see some of these things.

Again, they've been sowing so much of this to President Trump and to the rest of this nation and to so many people around the world. The globalists have done all these things, committed all these crimes. They are trying to blame somebody else for the crimes they committed. And God is saying the tables are going to be turned.

They're the ones who are going to be interrogated. They're the ones who are going to go down, and they're the ones who are going to have prison, going to prison for the crimes they've committed, or even worse. I mean, God's, God's even talked about that with the Pharaoh of old. And that's one of the things that he was saying, it's, the, the plagues are not a myth.

He said they are not just a you know, They're not a conspiracy. They're not a lie. These things, it's not just a story that was told. This is true. What God did to Pharaoh, what God did in the book of Exodus is true. Because God's word is living. God's word is truth. It's the highest form of truth in the whole entire universe.

God's word is truth. And God's word destroys facts. And so that means we're all going to try to, you know, bring all these things that are going to try to twist the Word of God. They're going to try to make God's Word of no effect. That's what they tried to do for so many years, and that's what Satan tried to do in the Garden of Eden.

But again, God is saying, look, what's coming upon you is far worse than what came upon Pharaoh and all of his men in the Book of Exodus. What happened to pharaoh and his men? They ultimately, their destruction and their price, they had to pay because the tables were turned on them and it was, the price was death.

Because they sowed so much death and they reaped a harvest of death. Because they killed God's people over and over and over again. They killed the children, they killed the adults because of what they did with the slavery and the bondage that they put them in. Such severe slavery, and a lot of them ended up dying.

And God is saying, look, This is an example I Am showing to you in my word I'm reminding you of the book of exodus and what happens when there's evil rulers and people in charge That do things against my children. This is what I will do against them. They will reap What they have sown they sown corruption and they will reap destruction I'm going to read some more because this is what god was saying to us yesterday That's really important as we're seeing again We're in the time of the shaking the shakings are going to intensify in the beginning There are going to be a little bit of shaking and then the shakings are going to get stronger Okay, it's going to shake and rattle people up but in the same time as the enemies are being exposed You God's people are being encouraged, they're hearing the truth, and that truth is setting them free.

And the scripture that he wanted me to point out again to you today is Psalm 105 in verse 24. Psalm 105 in verse 24. And it says, The Lord, there the Lord greatly increased his people and made them stronger than their oppressors. God is making you stronger than your oppressors. Why was God saying that?

Because it says in God's word in Ephesians six, let's go read that. The enemies are trying to make you weak. Where we are weak, God makes us strong. And so God also says he's the one who gives us that power. So Ephesians six and verse 10, and this is the classic amplified version of this scripture. And it reads in conclusion, be strong in the Lord, be empowered through your union with him, draw your strength from him, that strength, which has balanced my provide.

It is God's strength. It is unlimited. Okay. And God is saying He is the one who infuses that strength into you. Remember it also says in Philippians 4, let's go there, Philippians 4 and 13, and that says, I have strength for all things in Christ who has empowered me. God empowers you. So you don't have to start doing these things on your own.

We're not supposed to do things by natural ability natural strength or natural intelligence We are supposed to be leaning on trusting relying on god and that supernatural ability I have strength for all things in christ who empowers me. I Am ready for anything and equal to anything through him who infuses inner Strength in to me.

So who is who is the strength? It's not our strength It's god's strength and he's the one who infuses it. He empowers us You With our union with him, why do you think he wants us to have a closer relationship with him? Why do you think he wants us to know who he is and what to expect from him? Why I think he's telling us every day to have that firm focus foundation on the father Because that he's as we have that firm focus foundation.

We're being infused with that strength of Almighty God We're hearing that truth. That truth is setting us free. It's breaking us from those bondages and breaking us from those chains. And that's something that God is going to deal with at the beginning of this event, this Friday. He already has me needing to do something before the event even starts.

So before any of the singing, before anything that happens, God has to have me address things in order for people to be receive. Their freedom to receive what God is going to do for them, they need to be released from those chains of bondage that have been holding so many people back. And so God has been moving and God said in Haggai chapter two, I think it's verse nine where it talks about the latter reign is greater than the former reign.

And that God is talking about his glory. He's talking about his manifested presence. His power and his goodness, he's reigning his presence in this world, his goodness in this world, his presence and his, and his power in this world, like he's never done before. And so, but we have to position ourselves. In order to receive it the way God has it if you go back and watch so many people like Katherine Kuhlman A.

A. Allen amy simple mcpherson John, g lake there was maria woodworth edder. There was oral roberts and many other that had such Miraculous outpourings of the anointing and the power of almighty god They were raising people from the dead people were getting out of wheelchairs Arms were being grown out People's eyes were able to see their deaf ears were open.

There was so many miracles that were unexplainable to science that were unexplainable to the, even the natural eye. But these things were even Smith Wigglesworth was another one. He, I think he raised people from the dead at least 18 times. There was so much power that God has given people and those hours and the times that they were living in to show people that God is still that same guy.

But unfortunately, the church has gotten away from that. They didn't believe that. They didn't receive it. And God is saying, look, this is that time where these, these two worlds are colliding. Things are starting to shake. Things are starting to change. And God is saying, look, as the evil is being poured out more in this earth, God's goodness, God's glory, God's presence is going to be poured out even greater than that.

Where evil abounds. God's glory, God's power will abound even greater than that. So if you see the enemy's power, you see how much that power is the thing, how much more God's power really is. And so we are positioning ourselves. That's why God has been teaching us the way he's been teaching us. That's why he's been revealing to us the way he's been revealing.

That's why he's prophesying in a way that he has not prophesied like this before. Why? Because God's people have never in history needed the The, the revelation and the truth because of such a destruction that has been in the body of Christ. And so I want to read to you more scriptures that God has today that is extremely exciting about what is God is doing.

How, again, he's turning the tables on the enemies. The enemies have had this narrative. They have used a justice system against God's people. They have used the news stations against God's people. They have used the government against God's people. They've used all these things against God's people. And God says, look.

All those tables in every form that they use against you are going to be used against them. They're going to reap what they are sowing. Go to Psalm 112. Go to Psalm 112 in verse 4. We keep going back to Psalms because David, again, I say this a lot, but David had a great revelation of this.

Psalm 112 and verse 4. Now look what God says right here. Light arises in the darkness for the upright, gracious, compassionate, and just who are in the right standing with God. This is what David was saying by the unction of the Holy Ghost. He was saying by the Spirit. He was saying light arises in the darkness.

God is revealing to us because this is not something that David could figure out on his own. This is what, this is the wisdom and knowledge and understanding that God was giving to David. And that's why David put it in this book of Psalm. Light arises in the darkness for the upright, gracious, compassionate, just, who are in right standing with God.

So again, light arises in the darkness. Let's keep reading. Verse six. He will not be moved forever. The uncompromisingly righteous, upright, and right standing with God shall be everlasting remembrance. Verse seven, he shall not be afraid of evil tidings. This is very important because people get afraid during these times where things are evil.

And God said, he shall not be afraid of evil tidings. His heart is firmly fixed, trusting, leaning, and I'm being confident in the Lord. We're supposed to be confident in the Lord, even during evil times. And so it's easy to be confident in the Lord when times are good, doesn't take faith. It takes faith to be confident in God when things are looking bad and when evil is abounding, when evil looks like it's going out of control, God is saying, look, don't be afraid.

Have your heart fixed on him. Psalm 112 verse 8 his heart is established and steady He will not be afraid while he waits to see the desire established upon his Enemies so as we are waiting patiently look what says right here He will not be afraid while he awaits to see desires established upon his enemies They will reap what they have sown.

Let's read verse 10 of the same chapter Psalm 112 in verse 10 the wicked man We'll see it and be grieved and angered. He will gnash his teeth and disappear in despair. The desire of the wicked shall perish and come to nothing. The desire of the wicked will perish and come to nothing. Remember what God said in Psalm 33 in verse 10.

He said, the council of the nations shall come to nothing and their plans of no effect. Amen. Now again, God loves the sinner, but hates the sin. No matter how evil these people are, we're still supposed to be praying they will repent. Now some won't, no matter what. Just like Pharaoh, he hardened his heart against God, and he refused to repent, and that's the reason why he had the destruction that he had.

God always warns. No one does He warn us, but God always warns the enemy, because He wants them to turn back from their wicked ways. But some will I'm telling you some have sold their soul and they they have grown hard The hearts are going cold and hard and they will not turn from their wicked ways And that's why you're gonna see the desire of the wicked will come upon them now again The desire the wicked shall perish and they will come to nothing.

Let's keep reading Psalm 78 Psalm 78 verse 41

Psalm 78 and verse 41. And it says, and the time again, they turned back and tempted God, provoking and incessing the Holy, the Holy one of Israel, verse 42, they remembered not seriously, the miracles of the working of his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy. God is saying right here, this is what happened to his people.

They remembered not what God did for them when it came to Egypt. In the Egyptians they right here. It says the time they come when they turned back and tempted God They didn't believe him right now. A lot of people don't believe that God's gonna do anything They don't believe that God is the same God.

They don't believe that God delivers. They don't believe that God heals They don't believe that God cares about any of this They truly don't believe that because that is what their churches have been telling them That's the farthest thing from the truth. That's why God tells us several different times in the Bible to earnestly remember or take seriously the work of his hand.

Take seriously what he's done. Look what he did in the book of Exodus alone. There's far more stories. This is the one he brings upon and brings out all the time. Because this is the one where he saved a nation in a day. So God does care. God did say that in the book of Exodus chapter 3, that in verse 7, that he hears the cries of his people.

He sees their taskmasters. He sees what they are doing to them, and he will deliver them. He said, I will come down and deliver. Nothing in the Bible says that God won't deliver, and God doesn't hear, and God doesn't see. Not one time does it say that, but people, for some reason, believe that. And when they were in the wilderness, God's people, it even says in the Bible, they said, they limited the Holy One of Israel because of their complaining, their doubt.

They didn't, they didn't believe God anymore. I don't know how you've seen God do that many miracles, how you doubt what God can do for you. We have, they didn't have the Bible like we do. We have, right here, the proof of all the things that God does, and all the things and who God is. But people don't take it seriously.

And God's telling us we need to take it seriously right now. Even in these times where everything looks like it's going in the wrong direction, God says things are gonna get worse. Before they got better, we started to see that, but God is saying, look, take this seriously. They remember not seriously the miracles of the working of his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy.

God's saying, don't forget that. Don't forget right now, because the things we are about to hear, and the things we're about to see, people are gonna forget that. And God's saying, don't. Don't forget that. That's why we're supposed to Lean not on your own understanding. That's why we're supposed to trust and rely on God.

Go turn to Proverbs 18 in verse 10

Proverbs 18 in verse 10 And

it says the name of the Lord is a strong tower the consistently righteous man upright right standing with God Runs into it and is safe high above evil and strong So what are we supposed to do? When things are evil, what are we supposed to do when things look out of control? We're supposed to run to God because he is that safe place.

He's our protector. He's our advocate. He's our fortress. He's our standby. He's our counselor. God is everything that we need in the time that we need it. We're supposed to run to Him, not run to man, not run to anything else. Definitely not run to a government. You run to God. He is your safe place. So when things are gonna look like they're out of control and things are gonna look like when God said they're going to intensify, He's saying run to Him.

He's a safe place. He'll protect you. Run into it and be safe. High above evil. High above. It even says that in Ephesians 1, that we are far above. Hold on. Ephesians 1, I'm pretty sure it's verse 21, but let me check. Is it 21 or 22?

21. Ephesians 1, 21. And it says, Far above all principality, power, might, and dominion, in every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in which is to come, verse 22, he put all things under his feet, gave him to be the head over all things, to the church, He gave the head over all things to the church.

The church has got a responsibility in this earth right now. Verse 23, which is his body the fullness of him who fills all in all. So again, we have something to do and we are far above. Why are we far above our principalities and powers and rulers and everything that's all the enemy that's against us?

Why are we far above that? Because Jesus is far above that and Jesus is already taking care of it. Psalm 113. Let's go back to the book of Psalms again. Psalms 113 and verse 4

and it says the Lord is high above all nations and his glory above the heavens. God is high above all nations. He's above all the nations of the earth. Doesn't matter how much they rule. Doesn't matter how much power they have. God is above all of them. We don't have to fear what they are doing because God is the one who will have that final say.

Let's look at Psalm 111. Psalm 111. Psalm 111. And this is going to be the C E V translation. Psalm 111 the CEV translation and it says Verse 1 shout praises to the Lord with all my heart I will thank the Lord when he meets or his people meet Verse two, the Lord has done many wonderful things. Everyone who is pleased with God's marvelous deeds will keep them in mind.

Remember, we have to keep God's marvelous deeds in mind. We have to remind ourselves what God does. Verse three, everything the Lord does is glorious and majestic and its power to bring justice will never end. That is psalm 111 verse 3. His power to bring justice Will never end. It doesn't matter what the enemies are trying to do with our justice system to by tearing it apart God will bring justice and that will never end.

I know our enemies don't want to hear that but it's true That's why it's important for God's people to know that. Verse 4. The Lord God is famous for his wonderful deeds He is kind and merciful He gives food to his worshipers and always keeps his agreement with them. Verse 6. He has shown his mighty power to his people, and he has given them the lands of other nations.

God gives lands and nations to his people. They don't belong to the enemy. Verse 7. God is always honest and fair, and his laws can be trusted. Verse 8. They are true and right. And will stand forever. God's word does not pass away. I don't care how much the enemies have tried to change the word of God. It won't change.

God's word stands forever. Verse nine. God rescued his people. He will never break his agreement with them. What's his agreement? That he will deliver, he will save, he will heal, he will provide. He always causes us a triumph. That is what he says. So again, I'm going to read that again. Verse nine, Psalm 111 verse nine, God rescued his people.

He will never break his agreement with them. He is fearsome and holy. Verse 10, respect and obey the Lord. This is the first step. Respect and obey the Lord. This is the first step to wisdom and good sense. God will always Be respected. So then let's go and turn to Proverbs 29, Proverbs 29 and verse hold on

four. No, Proverbs 29 verse two first. Proverbs 29 and verse 2 when justice rules a nation Everyone is glad when injustice rules everyone groans That's where we're at Injustice is trying to rule the nations Well, when injustice is trying to rule everyone groans, but that's why justice is is always going to be served.

Doesn't matter what it looks like right now. Verse 4. Proverbs 29 in verse 4. And it says, An honest ruler makes the nation strong. A ruler who takes bribes will bring it to ruin. Well, who is in control right now? God has talked about bribes. God has talked about their money laundering. God has talked about all their evil and corruption.

I'm gonna read that again. An honest ruler makes a nation strong. A ruler who takes bribes will bring it to ruin. Well, that's what you see what they're trying to do right now. They're trying to bring our country into ruin. Now it's not going to last forever. Now listen to this, verse 16. Proverbs 29, verse 16.

Crime increases. When crooks are in power, but law abiding citizens will see them fall. That's Proverbs 29 16 in the CEV translation. I'm going to read that again. Crime increases when crooks are in power. We see crime increase in all of our states right now, especially in the bigger cities like New York city and Chicago and Los Angeles.

And we're starting to see crime go up on a scale we've never seen before. Why? It's giving you an example right here. Crime increases when crooks are in power. So right now, when there's people that are deceived by that person that's the resident in that White House, that they think that he's a good man, you look at what's going on and the fruit of what's going on in this nation.

Crime increases when crooks are in power. But, this is what God says, this is what we're gonna see. But law abiding citizens will see them fall. God's been talking about their fall. And we will see them fall. Go to Psalm 9.

Psalm 9. This is also in the CEV translation. It's important for all of us to hear these scriptures. Right now because of the situation and the time How this is time sensitive about what's happening in the nation and what's about to happen That we haven't seen yet yet because god talked about unconventional and unprecedented We've already started to see a very very very unconventional election.

You have a person that supposedly in the white house that is using and weaponizing the justice system against his opponent And now they have turned our justice system into an injustice system. You have them putting felonies on him, which was no crime to begin with. And there's people that don't even like President Trump saying there was no crime.

And this is completely unconventional. I mean, we've never seen anything like this before, ever. Ever. Never. This is unprecedented, unconventional in so many different ways. But guys are warning us about how 2024 was going to be unconventional. Now, let's look and see what David wrote in the book Psalm chapter 9 in verse 1 in the CEV translation.

Look what it says. I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart and tell about the wonders. You have worked. Verse two, God most high I will rejoice. I will celebrate and sing because of you. Now he's going through a difficult time right here because of the death of his son. He had to remind, now after the death of his son, he had to remind himself that God was the most high God.

The reason why David had a death of a son is because the, the wife that he married, he actually had her husband killed in battle, and that's how he was able to marry her. Well, this was part of the judgment that was on David at the time, and that's how he lost his son. But he had to remind himself about how good guy was.

And you see a lot of times with David, no matter how many times David did mess up, David was not perfect. But God saw David's heart and knew that he was going to trust in God. No matter how many times he fell, you'd get back up again and trust God again. God doesn't pick perfect people to be used by him.

He picks a willing person. People look for the most spotless person, the most perfect person. You know, that's not true. God picks somebody who's willing and obedient. They may make mistakes, but God doesn't look upon those mistakes. That's a good thing about God's grace. Psalm 9 verse 3, it says, When my enemies face you, they run away and stumble, and are destroyed.

Verse 4, You take your seat as judge, and your fair decisions prove that I was in the right. God will judge and have the final say. Verse 5, You warn the nations, and destroy evil people. You wipe out their names forever and ever. So when people think that God's not gonna do anything, that is not at all what any of these people are saying that trusted and knew God.

You warned the nations. And you destroy evil people, you wipe them out and there you wipe out their names forever and ever. That was verse five. Verse six, our enemies are destroyed completely for all time. Their cities are torn down and they will never be remembered again. Their cities. He didn't say his cities, his cities, he said their cities, what they had built up will be brought down or torn down.

Verse seven, you rule forever, Lord, and you are on your throne ready for judgment. You rule forever. A lot of people need to remind themselves that God does rule forever. He's still on the throne. Verse 8, You judge the world fairly and treat all nations with justice. Verse 9, the poor can run to you because you are a fortress in times of trouble.

Verse 10, everyone who honors your name can trust you because you are faithful to all who depend on you. Verse 11, you rule from Zion, Lord, and we sing about you to let the nations know everything you have done. Verse 12, you did not forget to punish the guilty or listen to the cries of those in need. God does not forget to punish the guilty.

They'll get the guilty verse 13. Please have mercy Lord. My enemies mistreat me. Keep me from the gates that lead to death I will sing about you at the gate of Zion. I'll be happy there because you rescued me verse 15 Our Lord the nations fell into their own pits and their feet were caught in their own Traps guys and talk with the enemies being caught in traps verse 16 You showed what you were like and you made certain that justice Is done.

God. David knew that God was a God of justice. God's people now have to know that God is a God of justice. He doesn't change. He's the same. He's a God of justice. Then it says you shown what you are like. This is verse 16. You make a certain that justice is done, but evil people are trapped by their own evil deeds.

The evil people are trapped by their own evil deeds. God says they're walking right into the traps that God had set. Verse 17 The wicked will go down to the world of the dead to be with those nations that forgot about you. Verse 18 the poor and the homeless won't always be forgotten and without hope.

Verse 19 Do something lord don't let them the nations win make them stand trial In your court of law. I love this because David even knew that God was a judge That he served justice and he even knew that God had his own court of law God's people also right now need to know that God has his court of law And even though we've seen all these courts and we've seen all this law being lawlessness going around God is, look, David even said, do something.

Don't let the nations win. Make them stand trial in your court of law. We should also be saying, father, God, I thank you that our nations and our leaders of our nations have to stand trial in the court of law. Well, the leaders of the nations anyway, because they're leading the nations right there into corruption verse 20 Make the nation's afraid and let them all discover how just how weak they are Again, that's how awesome God is and David had that great revelation And we have to have that great revelation of how awesome God really is.

Okay, let's go back over this prophetic word again

again It's called your enemies in DC are about to have the tables turned Turn on them. I just read you several different scriptures about justice being served and justice is forever. And if you read, I don't have time to read it right now. But I'm going to give it to you. Read Psalm 89 in verse 14. Psalm 89 in verse 14 and Psalm 97 in verse 2.

Psalm 97 in verse 2. Both of those scriptures talk about that righteousness and justice are the foundation of God's throne. Righteousness and justice. Or the foundation of God's throne. So we have to know about the foundation of God's throne to trust in that. That god's court his rule of law. They rule over all of the earth.

So it doesn't matter how twisted Law looks right now or justice looks right now god his kingdom will rule over all All right, your enemies in dc are about to have the tables turned on them first paragraph my children I have told you before the handwriting is on the wall for your enemy's defeat their removals And their coming haman's reward For their plans, oppression, slavery, bondage, including all the damage they have done against you, and this world.

Second paragraph. The evil they brought, crimes they've committed, and the darkness they tried to use to take down this world. The handwriting is on the wall. It's mine. And it says, to your enemies, Your defeat. Enemies of Almighty God, you can't stop it because you can't stop me. Let my nations go. They are mine and not yours.

Let my people go. They are not your slaves. They are my children. The price has already been paid for them with the blood of my son. You lose, my children win because I Am with them. Give up now. You may have heard about the plagues of Egypt. You may have thought that these were just a myth or a fairy tale, but what is coming against you is far worse.

You will know that. I Am the one true God and I Am against you, saith the Lord of Hosts. We were just reading all the things again that God's talked about. We know what happened in the book of Exodus in the land of Egypt. You can read all of those plagues, how damaging they were to the Egyptians. But how God was showing the Egyptians That he was the one true God because they served multiple gods They served idols and images and they served, you know The gods and one of them was like raw and they served the guy that watered They said I don't remember all the names of their gods But they served many gods and god was showing them with all those plagues or specific gods He was showing them that their gods were nothing at all.

Those plagues were very, very specific to the Egyptians. But at the same time, God's people were, it was being proven to them that God, what they heard out of prophecy, that he was going to send and deliver, and God was going to deliver him out of the hand of Egypt. They were seeing that come to pass and in the land of Goshen how they weren't being touched at all.

So God is telling his enemies of Almighty God. He said, look, you think these are fairy tales? You think this is a myth? I'm gonna show you that not only you saw what they did, I did in Egypt against the Egyptians. I'm gonna do far worse for you right now. But he mentions the blood, the blood of Jesus. We have to know how important that blood covenant is and how important it is to God.

We need to know how important that is. God will always honor the blood of Jesus and what that blood was shed for. It was shed for you and I. It was shed for our freedom. It was shed for us to be redeemed from the curse, from this world. That's why Jesus talks about in John 17, they are in this world, but they are not of it.

He was sacrificing himself. He was shedding his blood for us to know that we would be shown to be innocent. And that blood was our protection from our enemies, corruption from the enemies and the evil and the everything that they were trying to do against us. That blood that blood just like remember how with Cain and Abel and God went to Cain and said your your your brother's Blood speaks to me Jesus's blood speaks to God for the what he did for us again.

God will always He even said he will always honor that blood. Always. Nothing's gonna change that, no matter what it looks like right now.

So, and then Carter Page? This name will be in the news for a shocking reason. I recognize that name. I don't remember who this person is. But I do recognize that name. i'm sure you guys will know i'll look in the chat You guys will pot you guys tell me who carter pages you guys let me know who that person is because I know that person I've heard of him, but I don't know who he is.

All right, another leader or foreign leader will die I told you, more are being judged. So again God's talking about Leaders we've already starting to see A lot of leaders step down and be removed. And now we're starting to see die. Carter Page was an advisor for Trump in 2016. Carter was killed because he leaked information on the Democrats.

Okay, I didn't know that. Carter Page is a friend of Hunter Biden. All right, so I knew you guys would know. So anyway, just this name is going to be in the news for a reason, okay? Well, I said for a shocking reason. Again, another foreign leader will die. I told you more are being judged. Thank you for all that in the chat.

Something has been hidden in Africa. The globalist did not want you to know about, and this is about to be revealed. So something in Africa, don't know what it is. He wasn't specific, but something is being hidden in Africa. Now he's mentioning the oil industry again. He's mentioned the oil industry a lot in the last, I don't know, month or so he's mentioned it.

I know he has in the last year for sure. The oil industry is about to be shaken. And then, so he mentions oil again, and then he mentions coal. Well, we know in this nation coal and oil are, are, you know, supposedly current administration, they have done everything to try to destroy us to be an independent nation.

They're trying to do all these stupid restrictions and cut down oil production. And, and I don't know if they're closing coal mines or what they've done to the, to coal, but I know they've done something against them. But again, oil watch the oil industry and then watch coal. He said it will be in the news for a shocking reason.

Somebody said Carter Page is still alive. Okay, so I don't know if he's live or dead. I have no idea. So anyway, you guys can look that up. Okay. Now, some of your government leaders have been missing. Now look at what he says right here. That's extremely important. He's giving you a key to things that, remember God says things that are seen are not how they appear to be.

Some of your government leaders had been missing from the spotlight. So some people were in the spotlight constantly and all of a sudden they're not anymore. And there's a reason for that. There's a reason. Some are no longer there and proof will be revealed on a scale. No one thought possible. I told you a shakiness taking place, even when you didn't understand it.

At the time, so some who've been missing from the spotlight, pay attention of people being missing and all of a sudden why they're no longer there. God will reveal to that, that about that. All right. Then another assassination attempt will be stopped. Now. This is not. Just about the person that you think this is about they have tried Assassination attempts on multiple people.

This is what they do when they try to cover up their tracks He says another assassination attempt will be stopped Washington isn't that smart the desperation is growing. I told you that they will make mistake And this mistake will be the one of their biggest. They will be caught in the act, and they'll all be brought down, and none of them will be left standing.

So they will be caught in the act of whatever they do with this assassination attempt, or whatever this person or people are. God said they're not that smart, they're not that clever. But again, God is the, the one who's Alpha Omega. He's the beginning and the end. He, you're not going to get past him. And I know people who don't like people like me are watching because you write articles about me.

Well, I'm telling you God is not gonna be outsmarted. You can't outsmart God. God knows the end from the beginning. Doesn't matter how much you try to suppress the information. God has it. Someone is about to turn on Merrick Garland. So watch. There's already been stuff come out about Merrick Garland. Guy's been talking about him for a couple years.

Watch. Someone is about to turn on him. That means someone on his own side is going to turn on him. God said they're gonna start turning on each other. Why? They're starting to turn on each other to save themselves. Then he talks about Christopher Wray again. I don't know how many times he's brought up Christopher Wray or Maren Garland.

There's been a lot. Christopher Wray, and if some of you guys don't know, that is the FBI director. Christopher Wray is also about to be exposed in a major way. They can no longer stay in their positions they killed for. And he had me put that in bold, they can no longer stay in positions they killed for.

So that could be a hint for us of what he's going to be exposed for. Okay, now next paragraph is January 6th computer that no one in the public knew was missing. A January 6th computer. That no one in the public knew was missing. Has the blueprints, emails, and proof of every person that was a part of that day.

To bring down a sitting president and to take over a nation. This is another key that he's talking about. This computer is about to be in the spotlight. There is more than one. There's more than just one. That was taken that day that will tear apart the establishment. There is more than just one that was taken that day that will tear the establishment apart.

So, you have more than, so, in that time, you remember you had people infiltrating Trump supporters, but got infiltrated, the infiltrators, knowing the infiltrators were going to do that.

When they got in the Capitol, infiltrators on God's side, the good people, knew when they were infiltrating the enemy's camp, they knew the enemy was going to let the people in the Capitol building. So God had people on the inside. This is what he was showing me. And as that they were in the inside, they took computers.

A very high named people in that Capitol building. Congress and Senate. And so those computers. That we're missing. Some people knew about it. Now, some people know because that was prophecy already starting to be fulfilled. Right after that, I had a prophecy regarding this like two and a half years or so ago.

I was told by someone they know somebody who has one of those computers. So that was prophecy. But also there was more than just that. There was more than just one that was taken that day. One definitely is gonna expose the blueprints of January 6th, but another one Is going to tear also the Washington establishment apart.

I don't know what computer that is. He wasn't very he wasn't specific about that one I know one that one person has because I was told one person has it this other one or other ones. I don't know Okay, let's keep reading. So again god infiltrated the infiltrators that day He knew what was going to happen.

He had people on the inside. Remember he said deep ops, covert operations. There are a lot of things that happen that people don't know about. That's why the enemies are freaking out. That's why they're doing what they're doing right now. Okay, next paragraph. Your enemies in D. C. are about to have the tables turned on them.

They will not they will be the ones interrogated, arrested, removed from their positions with force. They will be humiliated. They'll be proven to be liars, traitors, and have committed treason on a massive scale. So this is what they've done to so many people like President Trump and so many with him and so many other people like General Flynn and so many other people that are good people that committed no crime, that they turned the justice system on them and it made them look like they committed certain things and they didn't do it.

Because they don't want these people in power. Because just like Jennifer and I, like I said, I know him personally and I will, I will go to bat for him till the sun don't shine no more. I don't care. I will not ever stand by and let anybody talk bad about him because I know him personally and I know what he has gone through.

No matter what anybody's heard, he is a good, good man, and a good patriot, and a good American. He has fought for this country in many different ways. He un uncovered something, and that is the reason why they did what they did to him. The Deep State was after him. It's the same thing that happened with President Trump, the same thing that happened with Rudy Giuliani, and many other people that are amazing people that the Deep State turned on, so that it made them look like they were somebody that they weren't.

So again, God is saying to all of us, you got to be very careful on what you're hearing and very careful what you believe in. Be, be, be in prayer of what you're hearing that it's not true because I've seen people in the chat, I've heard about people in the chat saying things about people they shouldn't be saying things about because there is a lot of disinformation that's going around.

So I'd be careful on what's truth and what's a lie. Be very, very careful on who you're talking about, especially when it comes to God's chosen people. Now, God says it's going to be all turned on them. So you see that they're going to be interrogated, they're going to be arrested, they're going to be removed from their positions with force, they will be humiliated, they'll be proved to be liars, traitors, and committed treason on a massive scale.

Everything they have done, they have blamed someone else for. That's exactly what you see all this stuff that's going on, what you've seen in this government. And what you've seen what's going on in our, in our country. The enemies are blaming something that they've done and they, they're, they're putting it on somebody else.

It's ridiculous. This whole thing with President Trump get last week during that, you know, sentencing and all that stupid stuff. You guys see with all the stuff that that administration was the Biden administration was doing as distracting when all, everybody was paying attention to that. You see what they did with Ukraine.

You see what they did with our weapons for Ukraine. There's a lot of things that were going on that was totally wrong. But again, they use distractions all the time so you don't see, you don't see what they're doing. Now says everything they have done, they blame someone else for those crimes that will all be shown and proven who was the guilty party.

The truth of proof is all about to rock this nation to its core. Again, you're going to start seeing a lot of things. Remember, President Trump, which is God's David, he's got the stone that will destroy the giants. I have a feeling he's got a lot of dirt on him. And that's the reason why the whole Mar Mar Logo raid.

That's why the enemies are doing what they're doing against you, and it's why it's so obvious. They will stop at nothing to stop all of this from destroying their power against you, but they can't. The writing is on the wall for their defeat. The writing is on the wall You For their defeat now, let's look at the next paragraph It says nothing can change that is written in blood That has been paid for your freedom and the blood that will be honored The blood of jesus will always destroy the power of the enemy the enemy's power Jesus's blood will always destroy that the enemy's power and god will always honor that blood Look up a blood covenant and why they're so important They are important and of course the blood the blood covenant we have with jesus With god because of jesus christ is the most powerful blood covenant in the all the universe You Now it says, my children it is written I Am victory.

I Am Jehovah Nissi. He's reminding us. That's why he told the enemies That's why they're defeated because he's with us. He's victory. He's with us So if he's with us and victories with us victories on our side, he says I Am Jehovah Nissi I'm about to show the world that's me and not your enemies who are in control So my children start to rejoice your enemies are about to fall on their face because I'm about to show them their place Say it to the Lord your Redeemer.

Where's their place? Under our feet. Their place is defeat. If they are against Almighty God, their place is defeat. That's it. They can't, you can't get away from what's already written and what God has already done. No matter how much the enemy's trying. So when all, they're trying to bring all this fear, they're trying to bring all this distraction, they're trying to bring all this to us.

To get us to the point where we're looking at one thing when we really should be looking at another. That's why guys has over and over to have that firm focus foundation on him. Because you're going to see a lot of disinformation. You're going to hear a lot of things that are not true. That's why it's important.

There are there are times even in this ministry We have met many people and some people, you know, as a certain in my spirit I knew that they were not who they said they were at all because God will reveal that to you And so that's why you can't listen to what's everything's being said on the internet and you know videos Guys, that's why I tell you all the time Go to the word of God go ask him go check these things out because God will reveal to you the truth About what is really going on and what you to believe and what you don't believe That's why when Jesus said I'm gonna send you another helper.

You just talked about that in the book of John He's our counselor our helper our guide. He guides us He leads us in the guidance in the right direction and where we should go. Jesus sent us that one You I think it, hold on, I gotta read it right, cause that was two different scriptures I was giving to you.

Let me I'm pretty sure it's

John 16, yep, John 16, 26, John 16, 26, and it says, sorry, John 15, 26, John 15, 26, I apologize. John 15, 26 says, but when the comforter, Counselor, helper, advocate, intercensor, strengthener, standby comes, who I send to you from the Father, the Spirit of the truth who comes, proceeds from the Father. He himself will testify in regarding me, but you also will testify my witnesses because you have been with me since the beginning.

So again, who is the Holy Ghost? Who's the Holy Spirit? He's our comforter, our counselor, our helper, our advocate, intercensor, intercensor, strengthener, intercensor. Remember, God gives us strength and He's our standby. So when we need, in this time of disinformation, when God has been talking about, we, we're in that fifth generational warfare and we have all this other things that are going on against us.

The only way that we have that truth and that truth sets us free is by going to that and trusting in God. Not trusting in man, you trust in God. You go to the scriptures, you ask God, Okay, God, this is what I heard, you know, this is what they're saying is going on. Get into the Bible, because it says that your word is truth and your truth sets me free.

So, Father God, I thank you for setting me free from any deception. Thank you that truth, Father God, is leading me. You're guiding me in the right direction, guiding me to the right people. You're guiding me, Father God, to the right things and the right places that I need to be, where I need to be, when I need to be there.

God is the one who does it. That's why God keeps telling us to rely on Him and not anybody else. And if you need comforting right now, there's so many people out there and I can, I felt it. That's why yesterday the Lord had me pray the way I prayed. There are so many people discouraged. There are so many people overwhelmed.

There are so many people suicidal. There are so many people anxious and overwhelmed With all the circumstances in their life god is Your comforter. God is a person you need to bring you out of that darkness. And at some point, I promise you, I will make a testimony video again, to show you what he did for me and how he got me out of that exact same hole.

God gets everyone out of the pit, the pit of that despair and hopelessness and anxiety and fear and doubt and worry and unbelief and, and darkness and death. God will get you out of that. The fact is, we have to lean on, that's why it says in Matthew chapter 11, in verse 28, Come to me all who weary, or heavy laden, I will give you rest.

We look to the wrong things to give us rest. We got to look to him. So if you are coming to Holy Ghost and Fire this weekend, come expecting. If you are watching online, again, you can only watch on Rumble. That's it. We won't have it on X. We won't have it on Facebook. Don't ask me why. I don't know. These, these details, all this just now is just on Rumble.

You can watch on Rumble. Starts at 5 45 the live stream will start on friday evening Okay, but I want to pray over each and every one of you because this is a very Very very very pivotal moment in this earth where evil is going to increase But god's glory will increase even greater than that That's why it's important for us to position ourselves to receive the presence and the glory of almighty god So father god right now in jesus name after I lift up every person on the sound of my voice Father God, we thank you and we praise you right now that we have.

Your freedom because we have the truth that is setting us free father god We position ourselves to be able to be freely to receive From you th

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