US is a nation of thieves? Civilians do it at home, military does it overseas!

8 months ago

Video: US is a nation of thieves? Civilians do it at home, military does it overseas! Million packages stolen everyday, many caught on film: high-trust society vs zero-trust society 美國是盜賊國家? 國內是平民做的,海外是軍人做的! 每天有一百萬個包裹被盜,其中許多被拍攝:高信任社會與零信任社會.

While an epidemic of package-stealing sweeps US cities, people in Hong Kong leave literally thousands of dollars worth of packages outside their doors, unattended for hours, as these clips show. Chinese cities tend to be high-trust societies. But why? 正如這些影片所示,當包裹竊盜現象席捲美國城市時,香港人卻將價值數千美元的包裹留在家門外,幾個小時無人看管。中國城市往往是高度信任的社會。但為什麼?

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