Pokemon Old World Dawn - Pokemon Fan-made Game has Stardew Valley graphic style, New Story

8 months ago

Pokemon Old World Dawn is Fan-made Game on PC by Kangro Team. You are Eve, a student with a relatively normal life in the floating city of Celestia. - Ducumon

Read the description to get links and download at 🤜READ MORE!
🤜Read more: https://www.ducumon.click/2024/06/pokemon-old-world-dawn.html

You will explore the Pokemon world with Net and from then on everything will change. The game has Stardew Valley graphic style, 30 hours of gameplay completing everything. It's beta in Spanish now.

00:00 - Opening
00:09 - Details of this game
00:44 - Lyinger Jump Game
01:05 - Gameplay
12:31 - Ending

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