Prayer- Litany of St. Paul, Apostle of the Gentiles

7 months ago

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St Paul was born 3 B.C. at Tarsus, Cilicia (modern Turkey) as Saul. He was a Jewish Talmudic student and Pharisee. He was of the tribe of Benjamin, and a pupil of Gamaliel. Paul was a Tent-maker by trade. Saul the Jew hated and persecuted Christians (not yet called Catholics, which was later coined by St. Ignatius of Antioch in 98 A.D.) as heretical, even assisting in the stoning of Saint Stephen the Martyr. On his way to Damascus, Syria, to arrest another group of faithful, he was knocked to the ground, struck blind by a heavenly light, and given the message that in persecuting Christians, he was persecuting Christ.

Acts 9:3-5
"And as he went on his journey, it came to pass that he drew nigh to Damascus. And suddenly a light from heaven shined round about him. And falling on the ground, he heard a voice saying to him: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? Who said: Who art thou, Lord? And he: I am Jesus whom thou persecutest."

The experience had a profound spiritual effect on him, causing his conversion to Christianity. He was baptized, changed his name to Paul to reflect his new persona, and began traveling, preaching, and teaching. He would become the greatest missionary for the Catholic Church. His letters to the churches he assisted in converting form a large percentage of the New Testament. He knew and worked with many of the earliest saints and fathers of the Church.

The Emperor Nero caused him to be beheaded on the same day that Peter was crucified. He was martyred in Rome, and therefore listed as Apostle to the Gentiles and Martyr of the Catholic Church.

Feasts of St. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles:
January 25 (celebration of his conversion)
February 10 (Saint Paul Shipwrecked)
June 29 (celebration of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, traditionally known as their date of martyrdom) *The Roman Rite of the Mass of June 29, the majority of the texts refer either to St Peter alone (Introit, Epistle, Alleluia, Gospel, Communion) or to Apostles generically, as in the Gradual “Thou shalt make them princes over all the earth.” The sole reference to St Paul is in the Collect, “O God, who hast consecrated this day by the martyrdom of Thy Apostles Peter and Paul, grant Thy Church to follow in all things the teaching of those through whom she first received the faith.” The Office is likewise dedicated almost entirely to St Peter. Therefore, the Feast is more known for its celebration of the First Pope, St. Peter. The following day, the whole of the Liturgy is dedicated to St Paul.
June 30 (Commemoration of St. Paul)
November 18 (feast of the dedication of the Basilicas of Peter and Paul)

Litany of St. Paul the Apostle of the Gentiles

Thou hast proved me and known me;
Thou hast known my sitting down and my rising up.

V. The great Saint Paul, vessel of election, is indeed worthy to be glorified,
R. For he also deserved to possess the twelfth throne.

V. Lord, have mercy.
R. Christ, have mercy.
V. Lord, have mercy.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, R. pray for us.
Queen conceived without Original Sin, R. pray for us.
Saint Paul, etc.
Apostle of the Gentiles, Vessel of election,
St. Paul, who wast rapt to the third heaven,
St. Paul, who heard things not given to man to utter,
St. Paul, who knew nothing but Christ and Him crucified,
St. Paul, whose love for Christ was stronger than death,
St. Paul, who wished to be dissolved and to be with Christ,
St. Paul, whose zeal knew no bounds,
St. Paul, who made thyself all to all, to gain all to Christ,
St. Paul, who called thyself prisoner of Christ for us,
St. Paul, who wast jealous of us with the jealousy of God,
St. Paul, who gloried only in the Cross of Christ,
St. Paul, who bore in thy body the mortification of Christ,
St. Paul, who exclaimed: "With Christ I am nailed to the cross!"
St. Paul, that we may awake and sin no more,
That we may not receive the grace of God in vain,
That we may walk in newness of life,
That we may work out our salvation with fear and trembling,
That we may put on the armor of God,
That we may stand against the deceits of the wicked one,
That we may stand fast to the last,
That we may press forward to the mark,
That we may win the crown,

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
R. Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
R. Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
R. Have mercy on us.

Let Us Pray.

O God, Who hast taught the whole world by the preaching of blessed Paul the Apostle, grant that we who celebrate his memory may, by following his example, be drawn unto Thee, Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who with Thee liveth and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
R. Amen.

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