All Americans should know about the CCP and its infiltration into the US

3 months ago

6/20/2024 [Kevin on Wayne Dupree Podcast] Kevin: All Americans should know about the CCP and its infiltration into the US! Many bad things happening globally, especially the riots and protests in the US, are related to the CCP. The official website of the New Federal State of China is, and you can find us on Twitter and Gettr by searching for NFSC Speaks!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #infiltration #NFSC
6/20/2024 【Kevin做客Wayne Dupree Podcast节目】凯文:所有美国人都应了解中共及其对美国的渗透!全球发生的许多坏事,尤其是在美国发生的混乱和抗议,都与中共有关。新中国联邦的官方网站是,在推特和盖特搜索 NFSC Speaks 也可以找到我们!

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