God's Agenda At Hand | Brian Gibbs [June 22nd, 2024]

8 months ago

Personal Revival, Nation Awakening & Generational Reformation

In this newest message, Pastor Brian sets the plumb line that it is God who determines our times and seasons of His beloved. It is not the enemy (See Daniel 2). Though the enemy would desire to disrupt and superimpose his agenda, supplanting the times and seasons of God, we give him no place and no access. The Church, as a whole, is in a time of exposure and cleansing where God is dealing with sin. This is beyond heartbreaking and disappointing, but it is most necessary. Our God is an all-consuming fire, torching all that must go. He will have a pure Bride for His Son. May we be the people that live, never to grieve or quench the Holy Spirit, but walk in purity, integrity and the fear of Lord. The Church is also in a moment of highest decision—will the church retreat and cower in fear in the midst of major battles or will the church rise to boldly overcome the workers of darkness?

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