Reconciled - Queen of Tears Tribute (feat. "Again")

8 months ago

Song is "Again" by Dailog, from the series, True to Love.
Footage is from the series, Queen of Tears

Though not exactly a lyrical masterpiece (at least at the level that I can translate it), "Again" is one of the more emotionally-potent songs I've heard in the k-drama world. Trouble was, the series it came from didn't really have the emotional gravitas for it. The fact that it is about a longing to return to a relationship makes it hard to fit into k-dramas--most of which don't have a significant separation between the leads.

But when I came across Queen of Tears--a show dealing with the strife in an estranged marriage--it seemed to fit the bill. A bit of a tear-jerker in its own right, I think it leant itself well to some of the broad relational beats in the piece.

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