Ancient statues are missing their noses? Ever Wondered Why?

3 months ago

What if there were elements in plain sight that revealed our true history—one that has been distorted in books and classrooms? These clues are so close that we see them but cannot connect the dots. Have you ever wondered why so many ancient statues are missing their noses? One might attribute this to the aging of the statues or damage from war, but what are the chances that all the noses would have been damaged? Every single one? Various races of people exhibit distinctive features; for instance, individuals of African descent typically have broader noses and larger lips compared to individuals of other races. These features often signify African heritage within one's genetic makeup. This presentation is intended for those with an open mind, who are willing to critically review the information presented and engage in further research. We belong to a single race, known as the human race. Let us learn to love and appreciate one another.

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