Upgrade your SMV with Qigong

3 months ago

For those who might be curious about the deeper distinctions between yin and yang, it's about synchronizing our brain waves. The brain isn't just in our heads; it’s everywhere. When you synchronize your brain waves, you're actually synchronizing your whole body in time and space. This synchronization allows you to perceive everything happening within the local spectrum of your space-time, including the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum.

This means that the past and future converge to the present moment. There's no need to imagine or visualize anything because my space-time and inertia are in harmony. When I rest in my electric field, I can relax my mind. Mastering this deeply means that even if someone had a gun to my head, as long as I'm more synchronized than they are, I can open up more space in time. This awareness allows me to control the situation's outcome in a way that I prefer.

At a higher spiritual level, this synchronization benefits both parties involved. When we distinguish between what's real and what's just an idea, we might think everything will be peaceful, like being a god. But, even with such knowledge, I am still an energy transducer. What comes in is transformed and goes out differently. I am like a black hole and white hole, with my consciousness acting as the center. There is still individuality, free will, and the need to sustain myself.

Achieving higher consciousness doesn’t eliminate basic human needs. You still need to eat, sleep, and deal constructively with others. For men, this includes understanding and maintaining their sexual market value (SMV) because reproduction and the future generation depend on it. These are absolute truths as long as we are in human form.

Many people start visualizing and fantasizing when they can't figure out immediate solutions. But enough of that—let’s get into the practice. I enjoy it when I can let go of trying to find memories in my left brain hemisphere and using the creative side to process them. This way, I orient myself in space-time and the collective thought field. This is a more direct way to establish an ontological framework, unlike the secondhand way most people use, which is their ontological comfort zone. If they get pushed out of this comfort zone, they might go crazy without grounding in this practice.

Now, I need to synchronize everything. As you can see, I'm still a bit twitchy, so there's more I need to release. Releasing the mind is key, and there’s still some work to be done.







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