美國政府在 50 個州為「不服從的異見人士」建造秘密拘留設施 US Gov't Building Secret Detention Facilities in 50 States for 'Non-Compliant Dissidents'

3 months ago


#美國 政府在 50 個州為「不服從的 #異見人士 」建造秘密 #拘留設施

#US Gov't Building Secret Detention Facilities in 50 States for 'Non-Compliant #Dissident s'


一位曾在衛生和公眾服務部工作的舉報人透露, #美國政府 正在與 #世界經濟論壇 合作,在所有 50 個州建造秘密 #拘留 設施,可拘留數百萬人。

據舉報人稱,這些 #監獄 式的院落位於人煙稀少且受控制的地區,將用於 #關押 那些拒絕遵守即將出台的政府關於長期 #封鎖 和新 #流行病 新 #疫苗 的規定和法規的人。


A whistleblower who worked for the Department of Health and Human Services has revealed the #USGovernment in collaboration with the #WorldEconomicForum is building secret detention facilities in all 50 states capable of detaining millions of people.

According to whistleblowers, these #Prison -like compounds located in sparsely populated and controlled locations, will be used for those who refuse to comply with upcoming government mandates and regulations regarding long-term #LockDown s and new #Vaccine s for the new #Plandemic .

Remember, forewarned is forearmed. It’s time to prepare for what’s coming next.

來源: #TPV #ThePeoplesVoice 英語原版 https://rumble.com/v5343n6-us-govt-building-secret-detention-facilities-in-50-states-for-non-compliant.html


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