8 months ago

They turned on 5g to radiate us - making us sick with flu like symptoms, then they claimed that the flu mysteriously disappeared. They then used 'their massive worldwide media network' to pump out fake fear porn and make believe death counts, to scare us into injecting their poisonous technology. When that didn't work sufficiently, they used government mandated policies - to force their poison into us. All the while, exempting government officials and pharma employees from having to get these 'life-saving' injections. Funny thing is, they also exempted the tens of millions of illegal immigrants - that they used our tax dollars to unlawfully import into our countries - during this make believe health crises - from having to get these experimental injections... Will they be our replacements when our so-called government murders us??? Government census claimed that the United States population was going to lose more than 250 MILLION people by 2025 - this was written/documented before covid arrived, by government intelligence organizations. Why is no one reacting adequately to the clear threat to their very lives, the lives of their loved ones ? What kind of mind control technology are they using to keep you from saving yourself, or are you just stupid ??

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