Tsunami of Jab Genocide Evidence

8 months ago

URGENT IMPORTANT NEWS: to a #Eugenics Disciple like #BillGates Nothing disgusts him like an Elderly Vulnerable Person with Illness or Disability trying to be Happy and enjoy their last Years. I know: I’m one of them. To a Vulture #Capitalist like Gates we are just the Useless Eaters his friends
and #WHO despair of. #Covid was engineered to Murder as many Elders as possible. Hospitals were used to Suffocate the Vulnerable in our Societies illegally using End of Life Protocols families disagreed with, and Spread the Virus to Care Homes. A #Vaccine was rapidly built to damage and kill many more. Why was this #Genocide allowed by so many Governments? 1/ Benefits + Pensions 2/ Health or Care Expenditure. Every year in the U.K. a Pensioner could cost the State £30K with Healthcare it could be £100K yearly. The savings post-COVID are £Billions. With the majority of deaths occurring in the Aged and Disabled communities worldwide savings using this #Cull are Astronomic. A Hapoy Coincidence? No, a deliberate genocidal process to rid the world of people Gates and his type despise. We need to be bred out of existence or murdered later. The age of Mortality, according to these vile monsters should be around 40 which would bring about the desired #Depopulation they crave. The Truth is Coming. Beware the Fallout of a Wounded Beast.

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