🎙️ NZCC and the Sherman Mafia – Dr. Kelly Holt

7 months ago

You’re going to love this episode of The Mile High Podcast with very special guest, Dr. Kelly Holt, president of New Zealand Chiropractic College (NZCC).

NZCC is a pearl in the global chiropractic education landscape, and Dr. Kelly Holt has taken up the reins at the college. 

✅Dr. Kelly Holt is the current president of NZCC;
✅Part of NZCC's inaugural graduating class in 1998;
✅Held various roles at NZCC: Director of research, Lecturer, Clinic supervisor;
✅Served in private practice for 10 years before involvement in education at NZCC;
✅Contributed to 44 peer-reviewed research articles;
✅Named Chiropractor of the Year by NZCC in 2012;
✅Received several international research awards;
✅On the editorial board of two peer-reviewed chiropractic journals

On this episode you’ll hear about:

✅NZCC and the Sherman Mafia
✅New Zealand's contributions to the Chiropractic profession
✅Why New Zealand is a top place to send prospective chiropractic students
✅And MUCH more!

Enjoy this podcast and make sure that you and your team are registered for Mile High XII: Mile High Noon in Denver, September 26th – 29th. You’ll hear speakers who are among the best of the best, connect with other doctors and teams from around the world, and have a blast at the western-themed after-party! You definitely don’t want to miss this event! Get your tickets now at RiseUpToMileHigh.com.

Be sure to check out the available CE credits, the day with Dr. Donny Epstein, and the VIP option that is your best value when bringing your team to the weekend!

P.S. If you want to market your Chiropractic-based product or service to thousands of chiropractors, check out the opportunity to become a Mile High Podcast sponsor at https://bit.ly/BeAPodcastSponsor.

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