5 Months of Difficult Truths

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5 Months of Difficult Truths

Julian Assange is back in the News as he has had a Plea Deal accepted and is now Free

Everything starts with Julian Assange - Server Brings down the House. Wikileaks was responsible for exposing so much corruption at the highest levels. The Muslim Brotherhood, The Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate emails, War, Terrorism such as ISIS and MS13, Murders, Money Laundering and so much more.

The entire evil criminal system is going to be exposed in one go and it had to be this way. Every crime at every level is going to be shown to us and as much as we think we know, we are all still so oblivious to what really goes on in this world.

So many of us keep talking about being awake, and over the next 5 months we are going to receive so many soul slaps which will confirm we are fast asleep

This period is going to be so crucial for us all to continue protecting our energy and humbling ourselves in anticipation for many shocks

We are Watching a Movie - A phrase repeated by me on every show and after todays Live, I have a feeling this will hit home for many more people. The movie has educated us whilst keeping us distracted as the clear out operations are taking place.

I will share many clips to shine more light on the system and to empathise the importance of doing the inner work. People seem to overlook this and it will catch up with people and many will look back wishing they had acted on this advice.

This is very exciting times because we are close to it all about to blow, yet at the same time this is when things start becoming real

Join me live on Rumble today 10.15pm GMT/2.15pm PT

My new course- HALO starts on Monday 1st July 2024

HALO - Soul Mastery: https://www.harrythesoulcoach.com/events


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