(Short cuts) Russell Branding Pt. 2 The Ben and Glenn Show

7 months ago

FACT: Glenn Becks praises Dave Rubin and his husband for adopting children. Is that what nature wanted? Then why didn't mother nature empower homosexual men with the ability to make children with other men? Sorry, borrowing an egg from a woman is proof that men alone can't make babies. Besides, childhood is difficult enough without burdening children with parents who are activists first, care-givers second.
Ben Shapiro and Glenn Beck are never Trumpers. Make no mistake, they don't just hate Trump, they hate his voters. You know what that makes them? Leftists, or at the very least, leftist sympathizers.
Conservatism is about pushing back against extinctionism, and behind the scenes those two are willing to work with and for anyone if it means they get to be rich and famous.
Unhealthy ambition, that's what they have in common.

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