Ever Ask Why?

9 months ago

Why? Why God Why? Sometimes you feel like you are just stuck without an answer and you don’t know what your next step is. How do you deal with that? You ask and it seems like… oh my… just quiet… You don’t get a no. You don’t get a yes. You get nothing. What do you want me to do Lord? Usually He wants us to wait, and go with what we already know. Because if God is not answering, there is a good reason for Him purposefully withholding an answer. He does hear us. No doubt about that. His answer is usually Yes, No, Wait. I don’t like the wait one. We are so used to getting what we want, when we want it. We live in that kind of a world, the instant gratification kind of world

Sometimes we can get so bent out of shape waiting on God to show us what to do and our attitude really is not good, this is probably why we are waiting, He is shaping our character.

I sometimes I can’t understand why God does things, like I don’t understand His methods and definitely don’t like them, but I yield to Him. Why? Why do I yield to Him, because He has always finished well. It blows me away at times what He can do with a situation that is completely out of control and it got worse and worse the more I prayed, the more I tried to wrap my mind around what was happening, nothing worked for me, until it did. God finishes what He starts and He finishes so well. Why? Why? Because He can. Why? Then He says: Because I AM.

There are times I just smile and praise Him, thinking… I can’t believe what God just pulled off, how He made this, out of this, and did that out of that. I could never have done it that well, it ended so well. Way-Maker GOD!

So now I don’t say “Why” I just pray, seek Him, listen up, and watch and wait for Him to lead and me to follow. If we buck up our will against God, He will still move us forward because we will come full circle to that place where we have steeled our will against His methods and until we follow after His lead, we will continue to come full circle around. When we yield, we realize that God all along knew what we needed. He knew what was best for us.

We do learn to trust God. He is trustworthy. He is faithful to finish what He started. God knows why... purposefully so, He knows! We learn to trust Him, to yield our way to Him and in the end, it is so good, more than we could have hoped for or imagined. That good!!!! This is our God!

Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/wont-he-do-it/

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