Here Comes The Flood... Of Bogus Claims

6 months ago

Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (, starting with the clichéd claim that increased bad weather rather than increased prosperity is causing increased insurance payouts in Canada, policymakers thinking subsidies with an eye on election results are a marvellous new economy, Scientific American explaining how to spot conspiracy theories without noticing how many of their red flags climate alarmism carries, and more on how on climate you can say just anything, moving on climate change supposedly killing bees that aren't even dying, its impact being six times six times what was previously thought, the question whether alarmists really think nature absorbs all natural CO2 but only half of ours, and two activists symbolically as well as literally attacking Magna Carta, and wrapping up with another #Gettingworse instalment on life expectancy, another Climate the Movie fact check on whether the satellite record is unscary, and a study on whether CO2 helps young tobacco plants... which of course it does.

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