Mark Levin: Biden Is Destroying The Separation Of Powers

7 months ago

Mark Levin: “Separation of powers is the key. They talked about mixed government, the ancients, Aristotle and others. John Locke talked about different branches of government. But Askew, who is cited in the Federalist Papers on numerous occasions, he talked about the legislative, the executive, and the judicial and he's quoted in the Federalist Papers and it's crucial to our Constitution. Article one, Article two, Article three and the point is that power needs to check power. That's what Montesquieu said. That's what everybody says. Power needs to check power. But you're not going to have liberty, and you're certainly not going to have a republic and that's the problem with Joe Biden. He's destroying separation of powers. It's not about democracy, it's about republicanism and the Constitution.”

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