Dimensionally Limited Avatars - Podcast #16

7 months ago

There has been a lot of the proverbial ink spilled regarding the concept of manifestation. It is not a magic bullet as some may pretend; it is, however, a tool in our existential/metaphysical/quantum arsenal. It is a concept lately much talked about for the simple reason many more people have awakened to the idea that the direct physical manipulation of the matterium is not the only way one can affect things.

People have begun to see and hence acknowledge what Tesla told us oh so many years ago, namely that the secrets of the universe lie in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

Join us as we parse the timeless wisdom of such luminaries as Aldous Huxley, Bill Murray and George Thorogood. And who knows, with a little luck, maybe you too will receive total consciousness. So, you got that going for you...

Manifest Video:

#robertedwardgrant #believe

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