Rage Against The Machine - Another ULEZ Bites The Dust

8 months ago

Anyone who fixes these ULEZ cameras, or reinstalls them will undoubtedly find themselves in the hands of the military at some point in the not too distant future.... simple research "should" explain why, those who choose ignorance will have nobody to blame but themselves.

The blade runners are doing a great job, it's time the sleeping masses wake up to the reality that a belligerent government in lock-step with Agenda 21/30 were in the business of genocide, theft, cries against humanity, child trafficking, organ harvesting, money laundering, warmongering, domestic and international terrorism. The Police were aiding and abetting, you can thank the scumbag Freemasons for that, same with the Freemason Talmudic Courts and their unlawful Admiralty Law. You made your own bed, 2020 was a simple choice God or Satan.

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