The Men Need To Be Heard Show - A Father's Guide to Family Court (Part 4) Winning The Custody Battle

8 months ago

This is part 4 of a 5 part series with my guest @FatherX2022 who has an entire YouTube Channel dedicated to helping men and father's navigate their way through family court.

In this episode we're discussing the realities of the battle over Custody of the children and how men/fathers can prepare and then present their case to help them overcome the bias against fathers and maintain their rights as a parent.

Among the topics we cover:
• Definition of “Custody”
o What do the terms Primary, Residential, Joint actually mean and what rights do they actually give you?
• What is the “Standard Custody Order” used in most cases and where did it come from?
• What are the realities for Fathers seeking custody and the bias against fathers
• What are the odds of success, What should your goal be?
• What are the costs involved in fighting to maintain your parental rights as a father
• What does Best Interest of the Child mean and what are the12 factors involved with that, that judges use to determine who will get custody of the children and to what level
• How it is crucial for you to present your case using the 12 factors to overcome the bias against fathers that the majority of judges have
• How the custody determination process generally works and things to prepare for each step of the way
• Tips and Tricks to help you present your case and avoiding the emotions that can derail you
& More

To Watch 👀 prior episodes:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

For more detailed information check out Father X's Youtube Channel where he goes into much more detail on all of the topics and gives you strategies you can use to maintain and ensure your rights as a man and father after divorce: @FatherX2022

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Men Need To Be Heard, is dedicated to bringing awareness to the issues men and boys face in today's society. Our goal is to help break the double standards and myths that surround boys and end the bias against them.

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