Riverdale, NJ BOE Mtg #25 5/14/24 Part 2

8 months ago

Future School Bd Meetings @ 7pm unless otherwise noted -
5/22/24 (Bd Retreat,) 6/13/24, 7/18/24, 8/15/24, 9/19/24, 10/17/24, 11/21/24, 12/19/24 6:30, 1/8/25 (Reorg)
All meetings must comply with Sunshine Laws https://njfog.org/opma/. To find public notices from various newspapers you can search on https://www.njpublicnotices.com/

Riverdale, NJ BOE Mtg #25 5/14/24 Part 2
Part 1 Student Awards
Part 2
Part 3

Public Documents Available Online
1) Riv BOE Annual (ACFR) Comprehensive Financial Report 6/30/23 https://www.nj.gov/education/finance/fp/acfr/search/23/4440.pdf, 6/30/22 https://www.nj.gov/education/finance/fp/acfr/search/22/4440.pdf
2) Riv BOE Auditor's Management Report 6/30/23 https://www.nj.gov/education/finance/fp/acfr/search/23/amr/4440.pdf, 6/30/22 -https://www.nj.gov/education/finance/fp/acfr/search/22/amr/4440.pdf
3) Other reports can be found here as well -https://www.nj.gov/education/finance/
4) User friendly Budget (short version) 6/30/23 https://www.nj.gov/education/finance/fp/ufb/2022/reports/27/4440/UFB23_4440.pdf You can use this to compare how the original 2023/24 budget was revised and compare to previous years.

Referendum Scope of Work Plans https://cdn5-ss20.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_441589/File/Referendum/SCOPE%20OF%20WORK%20PLANS%20-%20FINAL%20RIVERDALE%2010.11.22%20(1).pdf

If you are thinking about becoming a school board member, November 2024 there will be 3 spots up for re-election. Here is some information if you are thinking about it.
Completed nominating petitions shall be filed with the county clerk on or before 4:00 p.m. on the last Monday in July, which is July 29, 2024, for the General Election.

My posts are my own as a private citizen. Listening on the tv, computer or a speaker may help with sound quality. I apologize for the delay. As we all know sometimes life gets in the way. For more videos you can search lsferrara8 on Rumble. When commenting, please choose to be truthful, kind and humble. God Bless.

Date uploaded - 6/25/24

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