Episode 2257: United in Christ:The Intercession of Mary - Morning Episode

3 months ago

Today we will explore profound insights from saints and scripture that illuminate our path to holiness and union with God. We'll reflect on the words of St. Theodore Guerin and Dom Lorenzo Scupoli, and meditate on the joyful praise found in Psalm 149. Let's begin this journey with open hearts, seeking to deepen our love for Christ and His Blessed Mother.
St. Theodore Guerin's Quote
"For true hearts there is no separating ocean; or, rather, God is their ocean, in Whom they meet and are united; they love, and lose themselves in Him and in each other."
St. Theodore Guerin beautifully captures the mystical union of souls who truly love God. When we anchor our hearts in God, distance and separation lose their power. God becomes the vast ocean that unites us, allowing us to meet and find communion in His infinite love. This metaphor invites us to contemplate the boundless and unifying nature of God's presence in our lives. As we immerse ourselves in His love, we dissolve the barriers of time and space, experiencing a profound unity with Him and with each other.

In practical terms, this means fostering a deep, personal relationship with God through prayer, the sacraments, and acts of charity. By doing so, we not only draw closer to Him but also to our brothers and sisters in Christ, creating a spiritual family that transcends physical boundaries.
Dom Lorenzo Scupoli's
"No creature ever loved Jesus Christ more ardently, nor showed more perfect submission to His will, than Mary, His mother. If then, this Savior, immolated for us sinners, gave His mother to us, an advocate and intercessor for all time, she cannot but comply with His request, and will not refuse us her assistance. Let us, then, not hesitate to implore her pity; let us have recourse to her with great confidence in all our necessities, as she is an inexhaustible source of blessing, bestowing her favors in proportion to the confidence placed in her."
Dom Lorenzo Scupoli emphasizes the unparalleled love and obedience of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Jesus. Her perfect submission and immense love make her the most powerful intercessor we have before Christ. Jesus, in His infinite love and mercy, gave His mother to us as an advocate. This divine gift assures us that Mary will always be ready to assist us, especially when we approach her with trust and confidence.
Mary's intercession is a testament to God's desire for us to receive His grace and blessings. By turning to Mary in our needs, we align ourselves with God's will and open our hearts to the abundance of His mercy. Her maternal care and powerful intercession are invaluable aids on our spiritual journey, guiding us closer to her Son.
Psalm 149:1-4
"Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the faithful! Let Israel be glad in his Maker, let the sons of Zion rejoice in their King! Let them praise his name with dancing, making melody to him with timbrel and lyre! For the Lord takes pleasure in his people; he adorns the humble with victory." — Psalm 149: 1-4
Psalm 149 is a jubilant call to praise God with a new song, celebrating His goodness and faithfulness. The psalmist invites the assembly of the faithful to express their joy through song, dance, and music, acknowledging the Lord's delight in His people. This vibrant expression of faith reminds us that worship is a dynamic and communal act of love and gratitude.

The psalm also highlights that God adorns the humble with victory, emphasizing the virtue of humility in our relationship with Him. As we humble ourselves before the Lord, we open ourselves to His grace and are lifted up in His victory. This psalm encourages us to live our faith with exuberance and humility, trusting in God's goodness and rejoicing in His presence.
As we conclude this episode, let's carry with us the profound truths we've reflected on today. St. Theodore Guerin reminds us of the unity we find in God's love, while Dom Lorenzo Scupoli encourages us to seek the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary with confidence. Psalm 149 invites us to praise God joyfully and humbly, celebrating His goodness.
May these reflections inspire us to deepen our relationship with God, embrace the intercession of Mary, and live our faith with joy and humility. Thank you for joining me on "Traditional Truths." Until next time, may God's peace and blessings be with you always.

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